Friday, September 29, 2006

The Local Church

There is nothing like the local church when it's working right. Its beauty is indescribable. Its power is breathtaking. Its potential is unlimited. It comforts the grieving and heals the broken in the context of community. It builds bridges to seekers and offers truth to the confused. It provides resources for those in need and opens its arms to the forgotten, the downtrodden, the disillusioned. It breaks the chains of addictions, frees the oppressed, and offers belonging to the marginalized of this world. Whatever the capacity for human suffering, the church has a greater capacity for healing and wholeness. Still to this day, the potential of the local church is almost more than I can grasp. No other organization on earth is like the church. Nothing even comes close.

- Bill Hybels in Courageous Leadership

Nicole Moved Out Today

. . . I miss her already.

Thursday, September 28, 2006

Tuvan Throat Singing ... um, it's incredible!

So, here we are with the Tuvan Throat Singers that we watched at Dizzy's last night. I can't really explain how incredible it was ... I basically sat in the chair with my mouth wide open the entire night (sometimes I closed my mouth to smile).

If you've never heard of throat singing, it is "a type of singing in which the singer manipulates the harmonic resonances created as air travels from the lungs, past the vocal folds, and out the lips ... throat singing usually refers to several traditional Central Asian styles of overtone singing ... it is usually differentiated from overtone singing by the application of a harsh voice or some constriction in the larynx"
(click here for more info from wikipedia)

And now ... the moment you've all been waiting for ... video from last night's performance! I apologize for the bad quality - the video was taken in poor lighting. Please watch/listen for the following - the incredible outfits the men are wearing (complete with boots!), the men's hairstyles, the incredible hand-crafted instruments, and the high pitched overtones (it will sound like an entirely different instrument ... but it's not! It's their throats!)

Video #1 -- Titled: "Beautiful Horses, Nice Ladies"

Video #2 -- short close up of the men (you can watch their mouths)

Here is one more video if you are still interested

Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Sleepy Simon

Monday, September 25, 2006

Motivational Gifts Test

I started classes today and one of my assignments is to take a Motivational Gifts Test. The test is made up of about 30 questions and it determines what your strengths/gifts are according to Romans 12.

"Having then gifts differing according to the grace that is given to us, let us use them; if prophecy (The Perceiver), let us prophesy in proportion to our faith; or ministry (The Server), let us use it in our ministering, he who teaches (The Teacher), in teaching; he who exhorts (The Encourager), in exhortation; he who gives (The Giver), with liberality; he who leads (The Ruler), with diligence, he who shows mercy (Showing Mercy), with cheerfulness."

This is how I scored (out of 100% per gift)...
The Perceiver - 55%
The Server - 75%
The Teacher - 50%
The Encourager - 60%
The Giver - 85%
The Ruler - 85%
Showing Mercy - 40%

So, I'm obviously not a woman of great mercy, but I am a Giver/Ruler. Here are some characteristics of a Giver . . . Givers donate their time through volunteer work or helping others in some way. They are characterized by hospitality. Givers are people who love to host and entertain. Perhaps the easiest way to identify a giver is their generous and charitable attitude ... This generous attitude extends to making personal sacrifices of time and self ... they enjoy taking care of needs often going above and beyond ... When the patience and generosity of others has run out, the true giver will continue to be gracious.

Characteristics of a ruler - The objective of the ruler is to move everyone toward the common goal ... the ruler will give admonition and warning of upcoming situations. Like the teacher, a ruler will provide sound counsel and instructive reasoning to convince the people of the common goal. What makes the gift of ruling unique is the ability to see the "big picture". The ruler is intuitive, which enables the ruler to look ahead for possibilities and dangers. The ability to guide people and communicate to them regarding how to develop the "big picture" gives the ruler an assertive, take-charge attitude. So, naturally, rulers can appear bossy to other people who do not understand the ruler’s gift.

Okay, now it's your turn to take the test.
Don't forget to post the results in my comments!

Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Shows from the 80s

Remember all of those awesome TV shows we used to watch in the 80s? Robbie, Nicole and I were reminiscing last night about all the old shows . . . Heathcliff, Clarissa Explains it All, Mork & Mindy, GUTS, Double Dare, Kids Incorporated, Denver the Last Dinosaur, Perfect Strangers, Punky Brewster, Out of Control, Pee-Wee Herman Show, Square One, Dumbo's Circus, Fraggle Rock, Elephant Show, Under the Umbrella Tree, 3-2-1 Contact, Reading Rainbow, Dinosaucers. So, today I found an awesome website that has a list of shows and their intros --- scroll through the list and watch a few --- it will bring back memories!

My Dinner

I was quite tired and hungry after work today and was looking for a quick and tasty dinner ... I went with nachos. Nachos are delicious AND easy to make -- I melted the cheese, added the ground beef, sour cream, green onions and the special taco seasoning topping (makes them extra salty and spicy). I pulled the taco seasoning from the cupboard and sprinkled it on my delicious masterpiece . . . then I discovered I had actually been sprinkling ground cinnamon on top. I yelled, "NO! NO! NO!" and pounded my fist on the counter (until my parents asked me to stop).

Tuesday, September 19, 2006

just thought i'd ask

do you ever go several years without ever hearing a certain song that you listened to when you were younger and then all of a sudden you hear it two or three times in one day . . . isn't that weird?

Monday, September 18, 2006

Awesometown Videos

Unfortunately, not all of their videos are clean, but here are a few that
I think are worth watching (and they're clean!) ...

Video #1 - "Car"

Video #2 - "Dry Cleaners" (striped sweater guy looks like Scott)

And, the best for last ... Video #3 - "Hope"

Sunday, September 17, 2006

Thanks to Fiona, here is a group photo of our Martinelli's toast from Deidre and Jared's wedding yesterday. More photos to come!

Friday, September 15, 2006

Love Us, God

From high in the skies God looks around, He sees all Adam's brood.
From where He sits He overlooks all us earth-dwellers.
He has shaped each person in turn;
Now He watches everything we do.

No king exceeds with a big army alone,
No warrior wins by brute strength.
Horsepower is not the answer;
No one gets by on muscle alone.

Watch this: God's eye is on those who respect Him,
The ones who are looking for His love.
He's ready to come to their rescue in bad times;
In lean times he keeps body and soul together.

We're depending on God; He's everything we need.
What's more, our hearts brim with joy
Since we've taken for our own His holy name.
Love us, God, with all You've got ---
That's what we're depending on.

Psalm 33:13-22 (the Message)

Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Marzipan, look ...

Each night, Nicole and I enjoy one last laugh together before heading to bed. Tonight, you are invited to join us by listening to this favorite clip ...

click here and then listen to message #4 --- you won't be disappointed

Monday, September 11, 2006

Football and Dancing

Robbie and I had our first night of East Coast Swing/Night Club Two-Step dance class tonight. It was incredible! The dancing is great ... but the people are even better!! We were the only "couple" that was not married and we were atleast 10 years younger than everyone. The class is made up of some really unique people (some actually went out and bought fancy dance shoes for the class!) so we're pretty excited to get to know them during the next ten weeks. Our teacher is also very unique - she is 65 years old and began dancing when she was four (she takes dancing very seriously). She taught the men that they are in charge of leading the women, that the men are the "Conductors of Safety on the Dance Floor" and that the women must be treated like fine Ferraris. Next week, Robbie is planning to wear a funny outfit to class - hopefully I will have pictures to post in the near future :)

After our class, we went to the Medina's to watch the Chargers kill the Raiders in the last half of the game. Our team is off to a great start!

A Day with Dad

A few Fridays ago, my dad and I got to spend the day together. We visited the local Farmer's Market and bought fresh fruits/vegetables and salsa (he knows the key to my heart!).

(cheesy smile) Then we went on a four hour sailing adventure. He said it was the most wind he had seen while out in a sailboat in San Diego and it was the most he had ever "tipped" the sailboat while sailing in San Diego (we were riding with the boat tipped at 45 degrees!). I am still learning some of the sailing lingo ... "taking the helm/tiller" or "adjusting the jib sheets" or "watching the port bow" etc. and I think I am starting to get the hang of it . . . I LOVE living so close to the water!!

that's the Star of India behind my Dad

you can see how far the boat is tipped compared to the horizon line

Sunday, September 10, 2006

Love Story = Lame

I took piano lessons as a child and one of the songs I was taught was the theme song from Love Story (a movie from the 70s). I've always wanted to watch the "well-known tear-jerking tragedy" since I learned the song. I went to my neighbors' home this week to borrow some movies and they had Love Story ... I couldn't resist.

I finally sat down to watch the movie this evening and was quite disappointed. The movie is rated PG - which apparently stands for LOTS of swearing, a cheesy first line ("What can you say about a 25 year old girl who died? That she was beautiful, and brilliant? That she loved Mozart, Bach, the Beatles . . . and me?"), no depth of character, an obnoxious woman who was (unfortunately) named Jenny, and a tragic ending.

I also concluded that the line that made the movie famous - "Love means never having to say you're sorry." - makes no sense ... apparently it's not necessary to apologize to the ones you really love.

And the main character, Jenny, is the absolute worst example of how a woman/wife should behave. She curses like a sailor and consistenly makes crude, degrading and obnoxious remarks toward her husband ... like a continual dripping on a very rainy day. To be honest, I had a hard time feeling bad for her when she was on her deathbed.

I guess I've made it clear that the movie is just not worth watching, however, I did find it interesting that this was the last movie filmed inside Harvard yard. Because of this, it is tradition for a group of freshman to dress up in 70s clothing while watching the film each year. I'm not sure how anyone could make it through the entire movie (I actually started fast-forwarding through scenes so I could get to the end and find out how she died!). This movie has nothing on West Side Story!!

Monday, September 04, 2006

mexican food . . . another great invention

jazz music . . . what a great invention

On Another Note

My friend works at a Seattle's Best coffeshop in Northern California and she took some time to write about her experiences on her myspace. I appreciated the humor and thought it was worth sharing ...

"My co-worker, Rob, and I have decided that we need to make a comic strip about working in a cafe, only in the world of pencil and paper, we would have superpowers. Rob would be Barista Man and I would be his Trusty Sidekick. Together we would battle coffee guzzling foes such as our arch nemesis, Demanding Customer Woman. When this loathesome villan would attack with ridiculous requests such as the infamous --- extrashotnonfatnofoamsugarfreerasberrylattewithwhip
noothertoppingsmakethatalargeandcouldIgetthreeofthose --- Barista Man would simply laugh and send his Trusty Sidekick into action with the Secret Decaf Weapon of Doom to stop the power supply fueling the hideous monster. Mission completed, Barista Man would then fly off to fight other beastly enemies, such as the Oozing Trash Monster which lives in the Cave of Stench under the Island of Condiment.

This is seriously how I feel on days where eveyone and their mom comes in to get some kind of crazy drink and I'm ALL ALONE. A note for all who visit busy little coffee shops to get your daily caffeine fix: If the line is backed up to the moon and it is obvious that there is a lack of employees, please feel free to exercise one of three options

1. Keep your order simple
2. Keep your order small
3. Most importantly ... be kind to your barista, they didn't start your addiction, they are only there to feed it."

Saturday, September 02, 2006

Old Friends - New Memories

While Fiona was in town, Nic and I hung out with her for an evening ..... it was just like old times. Nic had been filming a movie for Generation Church Camp, so he was dressed as Jack Sparrow (the resemblance is uncanny!). We enjoyed walking the town (La Jolla) and watching people react to his costume - "hey look, that's Jack Sparrow" or "that guy looks like Johnny Depp" - it was great! Fiona was even lucky enough to get a picture with him.

Then we sat on a bench along the water and took some funny photos while sharing old memories. Here are some of our older photos from our high school days (days of braces and no fashion sense) along with some of our recent photos.