Wednesday, July 16, 2008

you know you're planning your wedding in just 10 weeks when ... forget what clothes you have worn recently and which need to be washed. decisions are made in just one day because time is of the essence. sleep on top of your comforter with some old sheets for an entire week because you still haven't made time to pull the clean sheets out of the dryer and re-make the bed.

...all you can think about at work is leaving to go plan something.

...everytime you have a conversation with someone you are secretly thinking, "Do I have his/her address yet or should I ask for it now?" get a "crash course" in buying a house in a little less than a week.

...going to bed before midnight is miraculous.

...some people who went on summer vacation are still finding out you're engaged. still don't know where you are going for a honeymoon 5 weeks before the wedding because it's more important that you find a place to live first.

...pretty much everytime you see someone using ANYTHING, you wonder if you should register for it.

...names of people are constantly running through your brain. become much more aware of every plate and utensil you eat with (even in a restaurant!) and wonder how much that pattern might cost.

...most of the time you have NO idea what day of the week it is.

...your brother's entire bedroom has become the official wedding storage room while he is out of town for the summer.

...Starbucks' baristas wonder why you're drinking a four shot latte at 8pm.

...the most exciting social gatherings in your life are invitation parties.

...after receiving their invitations, your guests only have one week to reserve their hotel room in order to meet the deadline. realize you don't even have enough time to send a "Save the Date" before the official invitation.

...Bed, Bath and Beyond becomes your internet homepage.


At 2:11 PM, Blogger joy said...

...and your best friends start planning a shower for you directly after the proposal because there's only a month to plan it! :o)

At 9:57 AM, Blogger Charissa said...

I'm excited for you. and when the day of wedding end up not really caring about anything but seeing your man, saying "I do", and signing that paper. After the wedding is a marriage and its awesome...oh and you and Nic are awesome!

At 1:31 PM, Blogger Robbie Conrad said...

how about:
you don't post a blog for forever and finally when you do it is about planning your wedding.

i think you should at that one. love you jen, glad my room could be of use

At 1:52 AM, Blogger Unknown said...

...when you go months without blogging. Hey, no worries, me too. :) Congrats again!!! Your guys' wedding ROCKED!

At 4:15 PM, Blogger Nicole C. Corpuz said...

I like this a lot. you are clever


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