Wednesday, April 02, 2008

things I have noticed ...

1. People who shop at Henry’s or Jimbo’s are a special breed. I shop at both and always enjoy the variety of people I meet inside :) For instance, the woman buying organic peanuts for her pet wild squirrel. That woman is awesome. Or the man in his business clothes who is carefully scanning the dried fruit bins. Also, the hippie-like mom with her frizzy-haired daughter combing through the fresh produce. You don’t see these people at Vons or Ralphs … they just don’t shop there.

2. While we are on the topic of grocery stores, I would like to add how thankful I am for the little handy wipes the grocery stores have now added near their front doors. I can now “sterilize” my cart handle before shopping and that makes “germophobics” (like me) much more satisfied shoppers. However, I have never seen anyone else use them and I go grocery shopping a LOT. hmmmm …

3. I noticed a man in Starbucks this afternoon who was on chapter 64 of his novel. I have never even come close to reaching chapter 64 of any book!! That man inspires me.

4. Today I had this little song in my head: “Make new friends, but keep the old. One is silver and the other gold.” I was singing it while driving and then I stopped and thought about how the song does not specify which friend is which. There is a big difference between gold and silver … are my new friends the gold or the silver?! They need a second verse that clarifies.


At 12:14 AM, Blogger joy said...

Confession: I have never used the wipes outside the grocery store. Can we still be friends?
The fact that a book/novel has a chapter 64 means most likely that the chapters are shorter, so its really not as daunting as it sounds.Its just one particular author's way of organizing his/her book.
And I have always thought that new friends were silver and old friends were gold. I don't think its all that symbolic though. It's more likely that the song writer was just making something that rhymed. I always think of that song in direct correlation with being a girl scout as a child.
*Sigh* I would much rather be reading the 64th chapter of a novel right now than writing dumb papers...Oh wait, good attitude, I will have a good attutude. Yay! I love schoolwork! Only 30 more days till this is over! woot woot!

At 2:05 PM, Blogger Robbie Conrad said...

"gold, silver, bronze or plastic...
doesn't really matter, friends are fantastic!
new and old, old and new...
just don't have friends that smell like poo."

At 6:35 PM, Blogger Jenny said...

Robbie, do you shop at Henry's?

At 8:35 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm gold. Compare and contrast others as necessary.

At 11:57 AM, Blogger Jael said...

Maybe you should just ask them which one they want to be. But the author probably meant which one was more valuable. I would say gold, but women seem more into silver now. Maybe the author meant gold, but our culture changed it to silver. Anyway, I'd rather be silver. It's way prettier.

At 10:26 PM, Blogger Julia Pearson said...

I ALWAYS use the hand santizer wipes. In fact, if the tub is empty, I will often go and find the manager of Albertsons or Vons and inform them that they need to replenish the wipes. I'm hooked on the wipes now.
~ Julia

At 1:24 PM, Blogger Sounds Like Natella said...

In response to Chapter 64 in the man's book, I think you have read up to or at least through chapter 64 of the Book of Psalms and the Book of Isaiah. So that makes you more accomplished than you think!

And like Joy, I do not use the sanitary wipes at the grocery store....which is why I carry around Purell hand sanitizer.


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