Monday, September 11, 2006

A Day with Dad

A few Fridays ago, my dad and I got to spend the day together. We visited the local Farmer's Market and bought fresh fruits/vegetables and salsa (he knows the key to my heart!).

(cheesy smile) Then we went on a four hour sailing adventure. He said it was the most wind he had seen while out in a sailboat in San Diego and it was the most he had ever "tipped" the sailboat while sailing in San Diego (we were riding with the boat tipped at 45 degrees!). I am still learning some of the sailing lingo ... "taking the helm/tiller" or "adjusting the jib sheets" or "watching the port bow" etc. and I think I am starting to get the hang of it . . . I LOVE living so close to the water!!

that's the Star of India behind my Dad

you can see how far the boat is tipped compared to the horizon line


At 6:18 PM, Blogger Ben said...

sailing is sweet....

At 8:59 PM, Blogger Jimmy T said...

I wanna come

At 2:56 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sailing is fun! I got to go out in Coronado a little bit ago and yeah, tipping = fun!


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