Wednesday, August 30, 2006


drove home from work while listening to astrud gilberto
put in a load of laundry & emptied the dishwasher
went on a run around the block
played with my new laptop (birthday present from the parentals - woohoo!!)
read emilie's blog from germany
made the most incredible quesadilla of all time
ate the quesadilla with my mom's delicious guacamole
opened a birthday card from my aunt & uncle
loaded all my photos onto the computer
listened to jazz online
listened to the station while retouching photos

so far, it's been a fairly productive evening
nicole will be home soon and we'll go on an evening stroll together
hopefully, I'll post some of my pictures from august ... stay tuned


At 12:07 AM, Blogger joy said...

mmm...your mom's guacamole...its been too long.


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