Fortunes I Have Received In My Fortune Cookies This Year . . .
Your fastidious nature will have much more fun this year!
(I like the sound of that! And how did they know I'm fastidious?!?)
A beautiful, smart & loving person will be coming into your life
A friend will bring you a big surprise soon
(It's worth noting that the Chinese word on the back of the fortune is "haizi" which translates to "children" - will I be birthing a large child soon??)
Does this mean you will be looking for a man to get married to? That large baby will need a father! A beautiful, smart & loving father of course. Would that be crazy - to get married, it would just blow your mind wouldn't it Jenny.
I'm not sure what Anonymous is talking about; but I do know that the "beautiful, smart & loving person" prophecy has already been fulfilled in the returning home of E.C. Schneids.
Some things that I feel must be addressed …
1. Anonymous is most likely Dr. Expert – both make dumb comments on people’s blogs
2. While we are on the subject of Dr. Expert, I think it is fair to say that NO ONE cares who Dr.Expert really is – our curiosity has turned to rage as we now loathe receiving comments from this “anonymous” person
3. Anonymous, you have obviously not been in a relationship or perhaps you have not read your Bible – Proverbs 18:22 clearly reads, “HE who finds a wife finds a good thing …” (emphasis mine). Thanks for your concern, but I will not be held responsible for doing the “looking”
4. And finally, getting married would not be crazy. It would not blow my mind … not even slightly. How dare you ask such a stupid question.
A beautiful, smart, and loving person? I'm already in your life!
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