Wednesday, June 28, 2006

Shop Till You Drop

I had the most intense shopping experience of my life today!!
I accompanied Julia Pearson while she shopped for KidzCity supplies
(4 carts full!). I arrived at Wal-mart just ten minutes after Julia ... she had already filled up an entire cart and was ready to have someone start ringing up the items. After dropping off the cart to the timid cashier, she asked me to grab another cart ... and the race was on!

What you must understand is that EVERYTHING Julia does is in high-speed. She completes tasks at a speed that no other human can imitate. I, on the other hand, tend to work in slow motion. I was raised in a small town where things naturally function at a slower pace AND I enjoy taking my time - I review all my options and make cautious decions. Shopping for me is an *experience* not a task ... I walk down every aisle, compare prices, look through all the products on the shelf AND spend time people watching (that's the most important part). Until today, I have never run down the aisles and frantically collected my items while making it back before the cashier has finished ringing up my first cart of items. Shopping with Julia is an entirely different *experience*.

I am writing this blog from my living room couch. The Conrad's have now installed Wireless Internet! I can eat dinner, surf the net and watch TV all at the same time ... this woman has never felt so lazy!!


At 9:26 AM, Blogger Jenny said...

I love you Julia!!

At 11:43 AM, Blogger Jael said...

One time I went shopping with Julia, and in the middle of her "speed walk" she stops, and in a moment of being completly overwhelmed, (we were shopping for ice cream and toppings) she lets go of the cart, puts her hand over her eyes and the cart continues flying towards a shelf. I run after the cart, grab it, and then she looks at me and says, "lets go." I am no stranger to this LA raised shopping crazy lady. (But, it's never boring, that's for sure).


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