Happy Father's Day!

I love my dad because he has taught me to appreciate SO many things in my life. The first, and most important would be family. My dad loves his family (see above). I appreciate the time and the energy that he has put into both Robbie and I - and I am also very grateful for the relationship he has with my mother.
(My dad was quite the stud - check out his sweet car AND sideburns!)

My dad taught me to appreciate having fun. He never missed an opportunity to take us on a fun vacation ... camping, skiing ... we did it all! He taught me to appreciate the outdoors (esp. any body of water).

My dad also taught me to appreciate football. Perhaps that is a strange thing to mention, but I really am thankful to have been exposed to sports. I have very fond memories of sitting in front of the TV with him while watching the 49ers or the Superbowl.

This is one of my favorite photos of my dad and I! We had a shed built in our backyard and my dad and I painted it together. I appreciated my dad including me in projects - I would often be his model for photo test shots and he would even bring me into his studio to help him file papers and call his clients. It is from him that I get my perfectionist habits (I can assure you that this shed was painted perfectly).

Lastly, my dad taught me to appreciate music ... and for this I am forever grateful!! My love for music stems from my father's great love for music. I think my dad taught me how to sing before I could walk! We have recordings of my dad and I singing songs together when I am only two years old. And each year we would sing a song together in the school talent show (below) ... we had quite the reputation. Today I cannot listen to a James Taylor song without thinking of my dad.

How do you thank your dad with just a few little words? It seems silly or maybe even impossible ... how do you thank someone who has loved you, poured into your life and sacrificed more than you will ever know?
Dad - thank you for helping me to appreciate my Heavenly Father SO much because of your example as an earthly father. Thank you for every great memory that I wish so many other young girls could have experienced with their own fathers. Thank you for loving me unconditionally and encouraging me to be ALL that I am today.
I love you and I will always be your Honey Bunny!!
that's SO funny! I never noticed that Robbie looks left alone on the side :(
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