Friday, June 16, 2006

A Late Night Jowl

I should be in bed right now ... it's late and I am tired ... but, I have SO many pictures to share from this week that I really can't stand going to bed without showing at least a few. The difficult part is deciding what should be shown first. Being the Type A person that I am - I want to show them all in chronological order. However, because I enjoy laughing I'm more inclined to put the funny ones first. So, here you go ...

A couple cute videos of Catalina "playing" with Simon.
Click here for video #1. Click here for video #2.

Oh! And apparently Robbie has a myspace now.
If you go on it you must watch the KT Tunstall video - INCREDIBLE!!


At 12:44 AM, Blogger joy said...

I made my whole family watch both of those videos. All I can wish now is that I can be there sometime when that is taking place doesn't get much cuter than that dog and that toddler!!!

At 2:01 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I honestly believe that God has given me a gift for jowling.

If I could find a way to start a jowling ministry... I would.

At 5:54 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

wow, too precious, too cute . . . i want one. . . hehe


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