Wednesday, May 03, 2006

Fiona Does What?!?

My friend Fiona has a strange, obsessive habit that can only be
explained by watching this video ... I promise, this is not a joke.
WARNING: watching may cause instant shock.


At 8:24 PM, Blogger Jenny said...

And even MORE shocking is that when she's finished ironing the bills, she then sorts them by serial number!!

At 11:08 PM, Blogger joy said...

how could this even be for real?????

At 3:41 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

haha - thanks for the publicity, jenny. organization is key to a productive life.

At 10:29 AM, Blogger Ben said...

that is the sweetest thing I think I have ever seen. I can't believe I never thought about ironing my money before....

At 11:24 PM, Blogger Robbie Conrad said...

She told me once before but it is still hard to belive even after seeing the video. Seek help my friend. I also think its funny that there all one dollar bills. I think she changes in her twenties so she has more to iron.

At 1:25 PM, Blogger Christine said...

Hey Jenny,
Just say HELLO...

At 12:41 AM, Blogger Jl. said... are sooooo cool....just thought id let you know that

At 11:37 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Holy canole....what a genius!!! My favorite part: not only does the ironing keep the bills unruffled, but there was also some form of organization with the bills as well. They all looked like ones, so how could you put them in order? By serial number? By year? I know I keep my bills in order by the ones whose presidents' faces look the creepiest to the least creepiest, so there ain't no judging on this end of the table.

At 11:45 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

oh wait...looks like Jenny answered my question already...


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