An Enjoyable Weekend
Robbie is back home for the week! He arrived on Friday evening and will be staying through next Monday for his Spring Break. Well, we've already had a lot of fun this weekend ... on Friday night, Fiona & Joy came over and we ended up playing a late-night game of CLUE with Nicole. The next morning, Robbie and I went to the pool so he could practice his swimming (he is training to be a lifeguard this summer at Hume Lake - Meadow Ranch). And on our way to lunch at Panera, we stopped to take a picture in front of his dream car.

Then today, after church, we headed to the park with Jeremy, Ben, Joy, Brittne, Katie, Jael and (of course) Simon. Robbie and I stopped at Longs Drugs to buy a classic yellow bat and whiffle ball. Then we met up with everyone at the RB Park for a game of Three Flies Up with a frisbee and later a rousing game of Whiffle Ball. It was SO much fun!
Jael at Starbucks After Church

Robbie at the Park

Brittne Ripping the Frisbee with her GIGANTIC Muscles

Me and My Whiffle Bat (I wasn't trying to look that mean!)

Our Star Pitcher (SO hardcore that she plays in a skirt!!)

Whiffle Ball's MVP: Kropatch the Great

Samurai Schmalfeldt

Robbie Doing a "Baby Freeze" in the Grass

Katie and Jael

Katie and I Laying in the Grass

The Men Playing Guitar

Joy, Brittne and I Went Hill Rolling

Joy After Rolling Down the Hill

Simon Enjoying the Park

The Girls Enjoying the Park

That was such a great day!!!!!! I'm really sore right now from it. I had such a hard tie getting out of bed this morning!
Can we do that every sunday after church? In fact, Robbie should just drive down every weekend so he can hang out with us at rb park on sunday afternoons. Wouldn't that be just perfect? Yes, it truly would be.
Hey Jenny...Just wanted to say hi. Hope you are doing well..ttyl
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