The Smell Sniffer

Before I give any answers,
I am curious to know what you think ... do you hold in your sneezes?
Well, Desere and I did a little research on Goggle and we found that stifling sneezes does have the potential to do some damage. Here is a quote from a physician at the University of Alabama, "Suppressing a sneeze can be harmful, particularly to your ears ... Studies have found that the air expelled during a sneeze travels at an amazing 100 miles per hour, and spews out up to 5,000 droplets, which may be propelled up to 12 feet in a single sneeze [that's awesome!!] .... By clamping your mouth closed and pinching your nose shut, you force the "sneeze" into the eustachian tube (which connects the back of the throat to the middle ear) and then to your eardrum. Sneeze strong enough, and you could rupture an eardrum, causing acute pain, infection, bleeding, and even hearing loss." I also found that sneezing with your eyes open won't pop out your eyeballs (it's pretty much impossible anyway!).
So, there you have it ... holding your sneezes in is just not worth the risk. And I think it is WAY more fun to just let them 0ut!
Thank you, Jenny. At work now, if I need to sneeze and I'm in the middle of taking a guest's order, I will just sneeze all over them!
You are right ... that's exactly what you should do. I'm glad I helped you come to this conclusion.
I tried to hold one in while I was in class one time...not smart. Turned out to be and even bigger snot mess; I was force to pull the hands in the pocket clean up method so I could continue my studies.
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