I Packed Your Angry Eyes ...

Perhaps you remember Mr. and Mrs. Potato Head from Toy Story 2 ... at one point during the movie, Mrs. Potato head packs Mr. Potato Head's angry eyes "just in case". This post is inspired by that famous spud
(and Katie Roy because she quotes the line all the time!).
I think this one includes some of the best angry faces
This one includes a few bloopers (some had a hard time looking angry)
Nicole and I decided to try making angry faces while I was driving! Nicole took the pictures while I tried to watch the road (warning: don't try this at home!). It was a little difficult and I realized that I am TERRIBLE at making angry faces. Fortunately, that is not something to be ashamed of ... although, it is rather embarressing that we seemed to resemble a Samurai and Mr. Magoo rather than someone with an angry face.
Now you see that angry faces are quite entertaining!
Who do you think wins for the best angry face??
Seeing as I'm scared senseless every time her picture scrolls across the screen, I'm gonna have to go with Brittne.
Also, who is that extremely cool-looking, French/Asian-looking, black and white stripe-wearing hip chic? Man alive, she looks cool...
brittne is the angriest... but I also appreciate both AMY and NICOLE'S half open left eyes... we should call them "left eye." hah. that was lame.
I think you and Nicole win. You managed to make angry faces whilst driving. That takes rage AND talent! ;)
Brittne's looks demonic!
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