Monday, July 03, 2006

Happy July!!

The ice cream man just drove by my house ... it is now officially summer. I guess the fact that the temperature has been about one million degrees for the past few weeks would also prove that summer has arrived. I appreciate the summer heat, but I DO NOT appreciate this year's humidity and random rainstorms. What is going on?? I feel like I'm living on a tropical island ... except for the lack of tropical plants/animals and water surrounding our city.

On another note, I watched the new Pride and Prejudice for the first time last night. I actually knew nothing about the story, but I was quite entertained and thoroughly impressed with Mr. Darcy and his ardent love for Elizabeth. I suggest that men everywhere watch and take notes!


At 10:32 PM, Blogger Sounds Like Natella said...

my mom and I were reading this and as soon as we started I said "She's obsessed with the ice cream man!" And I still think you are. And my mom says hi too.

At 9:31 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Mr. Dah-cy! (said with absurd British accent)
I think I'm in love...

At 11:31 AM, Blogger Jenny said...

The ice cream man is a big deal ... we didn't have one where I grew up. It was SO exciting to see one for the first time when I moved to San Diego because it was something I had only seen in movies. I think I only bought ice cream from him once or twice though ... but, I still think he's cool.


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