Monday, September 25, 2006

Motivational Gifts Test

I started classes today and one of my assignments is to take a Motivational Gifts Test. The test is made up of about 30 questions and it determines what your strengths/gifts are according to Romans 12.

"Having then gifts differing according to the grace that is given to us, let us use them; if prophecy (The Perceiver), let us prophesy in proportion to our faith; or ministry (The Server), let us use it in our ministering, he who teaches (The Teacher), in teaching; he who exhorts (The Encourager), in exhortation; he who gives (The Giver), with liberality; he who leads (The Ruler), with diligence, he who shows mercy (Showing Mercy), with cheerfulness."

This is how I scored (out of 100% per gift)...
The Perceiver - 55%
The Server - 75%
The Teacher - 50%
The Encourager - 60%
The Giver - 85%
The Ruler - 85%
Showing Mercy - 40%

So, I'm obviously not a woman of great mercy, but I am a Giver/Ruler. Here are some characteristics of a Giver . . . Givers donate their time through volunteer work or helping others in some way. They are characterized by hospitality. Givers are people who love to host and entertain. Perhaps the easiest way to identify a giver is their generous and charitable attitude ... This generous attitude extends to making personal sacrifices of time and self ... they enjoy taking care of needs often going above and beyond ... When the patience and generosity of others has run out, the true giver will continue to be gracious.

Characteristics of a ruler - The objective of the ruler is to move everyone toward the common goal ... the ruler will give admonition and warning of upcoming situations. Like the teacher, a ruler will provide sound counsel and instructive reasoning to convince the people of the common goal. What makes the gift of ruling unique is the ability to see the "big picture". The ruler is intuitive, which enables the ruler to look ahead for possibilities and dangers. The ability to guide people and communicate to them regarding how to develop the "big picture" gives the ruler an assertive, take-charge attitude. So, naturally, rulers can appear bossy to other people who do not understand the ruler’s gift.

Okay, now it's your turn to take the test.
Don't forget to post the results in my comments!


At 9:33 PM, Blogger Ben said...

The Perceiver: 40%
The Server: 70%
The Teacher: 55%
The Encourager: 70%
The Giver: 55%
The Ruler: 90%
Showing Mercy: 28%
Does that mean that I am not very nice???

At 10:05 PM, Blogger Jimmy T said...

The Perceiver: 100%
The Server: 80%
The Teacher: 100%
The Encourager: 85%
The Giver: 70%
The Ruler: 95%
Showing Mercy: 2%

Well, that's not good

At 10:44 PM, Blogger Jenny said...

That is funny! I guess all three of us are lacking in mercy (but that doesn't prove that we're mean, Ben!)

Jimmy, you may want to retake the test and vary your answers more ... and answer higher on the obvious "showing mercy" questions :)

At 11:11 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

The Perceiver:60%
The Server:75%
The Teacher:70%
The Encourager:I don't remember
The Giver:75%
The Ruler:80%
Showing Mercy:68%

Some personality tests are just more accurate

At 11:18 PM, Blogger Charlotte Leanna said...

The Perceiver: 80%
The Server: 45%
The Teacher: 85%
The Encourager: 60%
The Giver: 60%
The Ruler: 85%
Showing Mercy: 68%

jimmy's results are funny.
nicole is very well-balanced

i am 100% rational mastermind
i am 100% idealist champion
i have borderline personality disorder.

At 12:14 AM, Blogger Sounds Like Natella said...

The Perceiver: 90% (i'll watch you do it)
The Server: 95% (so did this include interns?)
The Teacher: 45% (i do better with kids)
The Encourager: 50% (half-full, half-empty? i decide.)
The Giver: 60% (only if i really like you)
The Ruler: 100% (hahahaha---do i have an objection?)
Showing mercy: 12% (mean person #4 of this blog)

ummmmm, so is The City Church full of mean people?! i think i might have to re-take this over and over and over and over again until, well, something changes! in spite of all this seriousness, i am laughing so hard right now it's hard to see. my conclusion is that we are a bunch of strong-willed christians. it's a wonder we've all worked together with our differences through interns and the church.

At 1:01 AM, Blogger Jael said...

The Perceiver: 40%
The Server: 50%
The Teacher: 45%
The Encourager: 75%
The Giver: 35%
The Ruler: 30%
Showing Mercy: 84%

At 1:36 PM, Blogger Jael said...

Ha ha! I'm the nicest person here so thhhpppppp. It looks like mercy and encouragement are the only things I'm really good at. Sad day.

At 3:35 PM, Blogger joy said...

The Perceiver: 80%
The Server: 70%
The Teacher: 50%
The Encourager: 100%
The Giver: 75%
The Ruler: 60%
Showing Mercy: 88%

:o) I love that we're all so different and get along so well!!

At 3:55 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

The Perceiver: 60%
The Server: 75%
The Teacher: 30%
The Encourager: 95%
The Giver: 60%
The Ruler: 40%
Showing Mercy: 72%

Well thats encouraging.

At 1:37 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

The Perceiver: 65%
The Server: 80%
The Teacher: 45%
The Encourager: 60%
The Giver: 30%
The Ruler: 85%
Showing Mercy: 64%

Serving those I rule one person at a time!

At 2:09 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

The Perceiver: 90%
The Server: 55%
The Teacher: 60%
The Encourager: 90%
The Giver: 55%
The Ruler: 80%
Showing Mercy: 52%

Well, I perceive that ya'll are all 100% wonderful!!!

Though, as a "Perceiver", "Encourager", and "Ruler", I have to say that I feel a little Multiple Personality Disorder-ish.

Still, it's 3:58am and I can't sleep so I guess this is a valuable use of time... :)

P.S. I miss you!

At 4:53 PM, Blogger Jenny said...

Jackie, you are definitely at 100% encourager. We miss you too!!


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