Sunday, January 29, 2006

A Few Ramblings

Nicole and I celebrated Katie's birthday by serenading her at midnight last Tuesday. Because we are fasting and could not bring her a cake, we (of course) stuck her candles in a banana. We also found some old balloons that said "Happy 15th Birthday." Nicole used a sharpie to change them to 21th. Overall, the night was quite a success and Katie was VERY surprised. Happy 21th Birthday, Katie!!

The next evening we celebrated Gaby's birthday at Red Robins.
Thank the Lord for endless baskets of french fries!

Robbie and a few of his friends were in town this weekend. I had a lot of fun hanging out with them here at the house. If you missed him, he'll be back for Easter. Hopefully he will update his blog in the meantime so we can hear more about Joshua.

The highlight of my weekend was my Chinese waitress at Souplantation. Her American name is Jenny, so we instantly connected (Robbie's friends could not believe that was the first time we met). Not long after we met, she decided to sing Happy Birthday to me in Chinese - no, it's not my birthday ... but the song was awesome! I asked her if she attended church and she did - she has even been to my church a few times! She was excited to proclaim her love for Jesus and to call us her brothers and sisters. So, if you stop by Souplantation, be sure to say hello to Jenny and ask her to sing a Chinese worship song for you.

If you don't already know, Fiona (like Fiona from Shrek) now has a blog.
Nicole is next ... I'll let you know when she completes hers.

In other news, I learned how to ride a unicycle this week!
Actually ... that's not true. But, it sounded exciting.
(click here for a video of a true cyclist)

I've come to the conclusion that everything is more fun in a hat. Joy and I have decided to make hat wearing a way of life (or maybe just hat photos). If you'd like to be a part of this, please send me your hat pictures and I will post them all in one spectacular post!
Here's a photo to motivate you ... (check out the feathers on mine!)

Have you heard of blind R&B/jazz artist, Raul Midon?
Jael played some of his songs for me and I think he has a great sound.
You can listen to his album and read his biography on amazon.

So, I've been car shopping for the last few weeks. To quote myself, "this is a big step in a woman's life!" I am excited to drive a brand new car (Toyota Camry) that does not beep everytime I brake, or randomly lose hubcaps. However, I will be sad to say goodbye to my trusty minivan (a.k.a. "Big Red"). Perhaps I will host a goodbye party (you are invited).

One last question, what sort of beast left this on my windshield?? SICK!

PS: All posted photos of the elderly are dedicated to Miss Joy Veale.

Monday, January 23, 2006

Jowling with Ben -- Bowling with Jen

So ... I just spent time writing out a big long post, and then I somehow clicked out of the window and ended up erasing the entire thing. AHH! That is annoying. So, rather than retype the whole thing tonight, I think I will just share some great Jowling and bowling pictures with you that I took last week ... that way everyone gets a good laugh. Enjoy!

Ben and I Attempting to Jowl (I started laughing too soon)

A Successful Jowl from Ben and I

Another Good Jowl from Ben (it doesn't even look like him!)

My Best Jowl Yet (I still need to work on my technique)

Brittne Jowling

Katie Jowling (look at that neck!)

Tope Jowling (or maybe he is just singing)

And the Winner is ... Sean Pearson!

More photos from our exciting night of bowling ...

Sunday, January 15, 2006

Quotes from Jim Elliot

"He is no fool who gives up what he cannot
keep to gain what he cannot lose."

"Grateful this day for the settled faithfulness of God - that drew me before I sought; that led me before I consciously followed; that instructed me before I had a learner's ear."

Check out the END OF THE SPEAR movie trailer

Friday, January 13, 2006

A Night in the Desert

Last weekend, Joy and I took a short vacation to my Grandparents' condo in Palm Springs. After arriving at the condo, we discovered some sweet hats in my Grandma's closet.

We decided it was time to hit the town with our new hats! While walking the streets of downtown Palm Springs, we stopped to have a chat with an old friend - Joy kindly shared her drink with him.

After an exhausting evening with our hats - we headed to bed to rest up for our adventurous trip up the San Jacinto Mountains. The next morning we took the lovely spinning tram up the mountains of Palm Springs.

We arrived at the summit and took a walk on the snowy mountain trails.
Joy stopped to feed the wildlife.

I stood on a rock and flared my nostrils.

Then, I attempted to take a picture of myself in the snow
... but it looks like Blair Witch.

Saturday, January 07, 2006

Murder Mystery

I, Eddie R. Guile ("Socks" for short) met up with Torchy, Ernie, Silky, Scoops, Billy, Harrow and Molly to solve a case involving the mysterious murder of Hal Cappone. Our conversations lasted throughout the night until a conclusion was finally drawn and one of us was convicted as Cappone's killer. Unfortunately, I can't give you any more information, but I think these pictures will speak for themselves.

Eddie(myself) and Ernie

Billy the Star Pitcher

Harrow the District Attorney

Scoops (journalist for the Chicago Trumpet) and Billy

Torchy and Harrow

Friday, January 06, 2006

Back to Childhood

I went for an invigorating swim at the Westwood Club on Tuesday night. It's amazing how a short swim in a body of water makes you feel like a child again! While backstroking across the pool, I remembered times that I had swam in various rivers, lakes and and hotel pools with Robbie. Where did the time go?

Well, I went out to Denny's with some old friends last night before they headed back to college. It's also amazing how Denny's seems to bring out the child in everyone ... after sitting for no more than ten minutes, we managed to fill Nic's water glass with sugar packets, forks, knives, straws, napkins, a penny and the entire pepper shaker (while he was in the bathroom, of course). This was funny when I came to Denny's in high school ... and for some reason, it is still funny five years later.
I wonder if we will ever grow up (hopefully not).

Peter the Equestrian and Dave the Lard Bomb Extraordinaire
(wait until you see Dave's photos!)

Ryan D. Cannibal and His Tasty "Friend" Nic

Thursday, January 05, 2006

I Want It All

by Shane Barnard
(philippians 1:21-23; 3:7-11)

use me, break me, waste me on You, Lord
ruin me, take me, waste me on You

for to die is to starve is to feast
and less of me is more of Jesus
Lord, i want it all - Lord, i want it all

if i lose my life i gain everything
and at the cross away with all death's sting
Lord, i want it all - Lord, i want it all

there is power in the blood ... there is victory in Jesus
come in power, wash me clean
overwhelm me with Your presence
there is power in the blood!
there is victory in Jesus!

help me glory in the cross
help me find my gain in loss

Wednesday, January 04, 2006

Reflection After Lunch

Ever notice how much you reek of sandwich after visiting Subway?
I feel like you could squirt some mustard on me and sell me in the deli!

On another note, the one and only Pastor Casey Bombacie has written
the funniest post of all time ... you MUST read it!

Monday, January 02, 2006

Old Friends, Fish Tacos, Narnia and Coffee

Last week, I finally got to see The Chronicles of Narnia with some old friends from church/high school. It was so much fun hanging out and catching up. And we all enjoyed meeting Belinda's fiancée (we approve, Belinda). Narnia was great ... the best part was a Christian man that sat right behind us. He gave constant commentary to his young daughter throughout the movie (in a very deep voice) and then he would give a loud belly laugh (like Santa Claus) when the movie made any reference to Christ. It was great!

I finally got a card for my new digital camera, so I was excited to take pictures of the event. Enjoy!

Fiona Opening the Memory Card Package (with teeth & nailclippers)

Fiona, Peter and Deidre

Brandon and Belinda - Happily Engaged

Fiona and Belinda Compare the Size of Their Mouths

Fiona at Rubio's

Pondering Life While at Rubio's

Fiona and I Waiting for the Film to Start

A Lovely Face from Ryan

Deidre and I at Starbucks

Our Attempt to Use the Timer on My New Camera