Sunday, September 25, 2005

The Joy of Jowling

Before Robbie (see photo) left for Joshua, he taught us how to do this incredible thing called "jowling" in which you shake your head vigorously from side to side while relaxing your face muscles. Someone then takes a picture . . . and we all get a good laugh.

We decided to try jowling at Robbie’s going-away dinner and I recently saw that the results had been posted on my friend, Fiona's, "My Space" site. I am working on acquiring a few more photos (so look for updates), but in the meantime, I have posted several from Fiona's site for you to enjoy. Let me know who you think had the best jowling results. And if you really want a good laugh, click on this jowling website or even try it yourself (make sure to send me the photos!). Thank you, Chelcea & Fiona, for the pictures!

Sunday, September 18, 2005


Two interesting songs that address our God . . .
both BIG and small enough

"Big Enough" by Chris Rice
None of us knows and that makes it a mystery
If life is a comedy, then why all the tragedy?
Three-and-a-half pounds of brain try to figure out
What this world is all about - and is there an eternity?

God if You're there - I wish You'd show me
And God if You care then I need You to know me
I hope You don't mind me askin' the questions
But I figure You're big enough

"Small Enough" by Nichole Nordeman
Oh, great God, be small enough to hear me now
There were times when I was crying from the dark of Daniel's den
And I have asked you once or twice if you would part the sea again
But tonight I do not need a fiery pillar in the sky
Just wanna know you're gonna hold me if I start to cry
Oh, great God, be small enough to hear me now . . .

And I know you could leave writing on the wall that's just for me
Or send wisdom while I'm sleeping, like in Solomon's sweet dreams
But I don't need the strength of Samson, or a chariot in the end

Just wanna know that you still know how many hairs are on my head
Oh, great God, be small enough to hear me now

Saturday, September 10, 2005

Ahoy . . . I Sailed!!

So, my brother
(the stud in the photo)
left for the Joshua Wilderness Institute.
He has the privilege of living at Hume Lake Christian Camp for the next nine months. I will miss him A LOT but I'm excited to see God develop his character and giftings ... I know he will be a different person in nine months. Thanks to everyone who stopped by the house (or went out to dinner) to say goodbye!

Before Robbie left, my family spent last Saturday taking our annual Christmas card photo. Robbie and I have decided that the photo session goes the same way each year ... My dad picks outfits for us to wear, but no one owns the clothes he suggests. We finally compromise and pick something at the last minute. We drive to the photo location (usually frustrated by the clothes we are wearing and that we have to take these photos every year). Then we start the photo shoot. My dad usually says something corny in order to make everyone smile (example: "let's all say wedgie!"). And every year my mom ends up laughing SO hard that she cries. By that time we've all lost it and we decide to give up on the pictures. If we're lucky, we manage to take a few good ones. I can't show you the good ones we took this year (you will have to wait until Christmas) but here are a few of our outtakes . . . Enjoy!

Fiona - thank you for taking our pictures!