Friday, March 16, 2007

universal studios

Joy and I went on a little vacation to Universal Studios last Wednesday. The park was almost empty so we didn't have to wait more than ten or fifteen minute for each ride - it was great! We both hadn't been since we were very young (at least ten years ago) so it was fun remembering things as we walked through the park. The biggest disappointment was the brand new Mummy ride. Although they had cool/high-tech lockers to put your stuff in (accessed only with your finger print!!) the ride itself was fairly weird and demonic. In the end of the ride I think you are actually taken to "hell" while voices are yelling - "we have your soul" ... I yelled back "No you don't! I'm going to heaven!!" I think they heard me. They got the message. The best part of the park was the behind-the-scenes Studio Tour. We had a really fun tour guide and I enjoyed seeing the side of film/tv production that we don't always see. Waterworld was pretty great too. We sat in the soak zone. I didn't know we would get THAT wet.

Stand By Your Man (he is real ... seriously ... and he was freaky)

Joy's Heart-throb (apparently she likes muscular men)

no explanation necessary

this little piggy went to market ... this little piggy stayed home

my head is in a shark ... that is crazy

I think she has done this before ...

getting ready to enter Terminator 2


At 10:25 AM, Blogger Jael said...

In the first picture, in the top right corner, there's a floating head. Hmmm????

At 12:12 PM, Blogger Jenny said...

It is not just ANY floating head ... it is clearly Tom Hanks

At 1:38 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh man, do you know how rare it is for Tom Hanks' disembodied head to make an appearance? You guys are so lucky!

At 8:40 PM, Blogger joy said...

i didn't know blogger could handle such ridiculously good looking picture.
oh, and we went on tuesday...not wednesday...honest mistake...people on vacation tend to lose track of their days :o)

At 4:50 PM, Blogger Jenny said...

I am SO glad the infamous "dad" finally posted. Thank you!! :)

At 12:02 AM, Blogger joy said...

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