Wednesday, March 07, 2007

some stuff from today

Had an amazing divine appointment this morning . . . one of the best I've had in a very long time. I love God. I love watching Him work in the lives of other people. It makes me love Him more.

Picked up one of our 6th graders from school. We enjoyed frappuccinos while walking the mall together. I pointed out her boyfriend - some nasty guy with nappy hair and piercings all over his body, huge black boots and chains hanging from his waist. She quickly got the hang of my "game" and pointed out my boyfriend about 30 minutes later - ripped t-shirt, pants below his butt, tattoos and nasty hair. I was impressed.

My brother wrote a song called "Skies Above" and recorded it in a studio this past week. He posted it on his myspace today.

I never thought I would love iTunes as much as I do. I think it is like marriage - you get out of it what you put into it and it keeps getting better and better because I keep discovering new and exciting things every day! I downloaded a few songs by Sean Watkins (of Nickel Creek). One called "Coffee" is all about a girl he had a crush on in high school and recently ran into at a local store. He wanted to ask her out for coffee, but he was too nervous. So he wrote a song about her. Then he ran into her at a coffee shop a few weeks later. Weird.

Tomorrow I am going to clean my house. To you it might sound crazy, but I have been looking forward to this day. Perhaps no one will ever understand the therapy it gives me. Baking cookies has the same effect ... so, maybe I will do both.

Had dinner with Joy at Macaroni Grill. Don't eat there ... I just don't think it's worth it. The food costs the same as Olive Garden, but the ambience is worse, the quality of the food is worse, you don't get soup or salad with your food (unless you pay more) and you will never have Nicole Corpuz as your server - that is a sad reality. However, they do have an amazing waitress who sings "Happy Birthday" in Operatic Italian. It was nice eating dinner with my friend too.

I am having lunch with a guy from my school tomorrow. I have been in online classes for six months now and have not met any of my fellow students in the flesh ... it will be nice to actually put a face with the name I've read on the screen hundreds of times.

Ended my evening with a fascinating conversation. I was on the Dizzy's website reviewing the upcoming shows and I discovered a "piano wizard" named Rob Schneiderman. I thought it would be quite amazing if he ended up marrying Emilie Schneider, so I quickly shared this information with her. I received the following response ...

"I actually dated Rob Schneiderman a few times. It was weird though because he started talking about marriage on the third date. He wanted me to hyphenate my name. So I would actually have been Emilie Schneider-Schneiderman. Now, this wouldn't have been too bad ... except that I'm really into this gender neutral thing these days, so I told him I would only hyphenate my name if I could do it as "Schneiderperson". Therefore I would be Emilie Schneider-Schneiderperson, which would be a heck of a lot better than Emilie Schneider-Schneiderman. He didn't like the idea, apparently, since he threw down his napkin right there at Mr. A's and stomped out the door without even paying for our vichy-sois!"


At 10:08 AM, Blogger joy said...

There are so many different things I could comment on, but did emilie get to be so witty???

At 11:31 PM, Blogger Emilie said...

Oh my! I somehow suspected that "conversation" would somehow make it into the world of blog! Is nothing sacred??? (sob sob)

PS I haven't posted in sooo long cause every time I try to get onto blogger it's backed way way up! Whats a blogette to do??


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