Friday, March 02, 2007

star wars

I am sitting in Panera and working on homework. There is a young boy (maybe 3 years old) with blond hair and beautiful blue eyes. All the other kids at the table are bored, but he is playing with Star Wars figurines and yelling, "I see you Obi-Wan Kenobi!" and "Darth Vader, where is your helmet? Put your helmet on!" and "prepare to die ... die! die! die!". He just stuck Darth Vader's head in a baguette and is yelling, "Help me! My head is in bread!!" This kid is amazing.

A couple weeks ago, Gaby and I went to Vegas to pick up our Pastors' grand-niece (2) & nephew (6). The boy had brought five Star Wars figurines and insisted that Gaby and I play "Name that Star Wars Guy" with him. The game went something like this: the boy would hold a figurine in his hand and say, "Okay, I am in Star Wars. Who am I?" Then Gaby and I would name millions of different characters from Star Wars until we got it right (we both had seen very few episodes of Star Wars, so we got creative). It was fun ... for the first 10 minutes ... but I think we played for over an hour. Since he only had five figurines, the level of difficulty for the game decreased dramatically. Eventually, we convinced him to play "20 Questions" which was an instant success. We taught him to start out by saying, "I am a thing" or "I am a person" or "I am a place" ... but he liked to say, "I am some thing" or "I am some person". It was cute

Here is an example of what we had to guess --- "Okay, I am some thing. I am tall and I grow and and I have coconuts on me and then sometimes I die." (very tricky!)


At 11:57 PM, Blogger joy said...

man...I am so jealous of all your star wars fun. However, today I hosted a Star Wars themed birthday party for a three year old. I acted out that Darth Vader had stolen the treasure and in order for us to get it back from him, we had to all dress in capes, play star wars themed freeze dance & limbo, go on a darth vader/treasure hunt, and color/ put stickers on masks. Good ol' Darth gave us the treasure box and each kid got to pick two toys from it. Lil' Joey, the birthday boy, had a blast. Seriously, how could it not be fun when its star wars themed?!


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