Friday, March 09, 2007

is this a joke?

I was watching a Christian music video on You Tube today when I came across a video called "Anna Nicole Smith - Jesus Christ is my Lord and Savior!" I was surprised by the title, having never heard Anna Nicole profess Christianity, so I clicked on the video out of curiousity. To be honest, I am not really interested in her life and death ... it is sad that she died but the reality is that she really didn't offer much to the world while she was alive and all the money and fame she spent years fighting for did not follow her to heaven!

So, if you are curious ... here is the video interview.
I was even more shocked by the interviewer (you'll see why).


At 10:06 PM, Blogger joy said...

uh....that was really really weird...

At 11:20 PM, Blogger Charlotte Leanna said...

I don't know who's weirder... Anna Nicole or the interviewer. Especially when he called Jesus the "real mccoy" and said he hates to get on this spiritual thing.... and then says she should be on touched by an angel. ummm... and then weird when he asks where she got her dress done. enough said.


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