Saturday, January 27, 2007

there never was another

There never was another Who caused all creation to be ransacked in pursuit of words appropriate to convey to human hearts and minds His glorious pre-eminence. There never was another Who was a human child and also a divine Son; Who was wounded by Satan and Who, at the same time crushed Satan; Who was appointed the Savior of men, yet was crucified by men; Who was Judge of men; yet was led as a felon from one tribunal to another.

There never was another Who died and was buried and yet lived; Who saved others and Himself could not save; Who had no sin in Him, yet all sin on Him; Who was the King of Glory, yet wore no crown but a crown of thorns; Who, in the glory He had with God before the world was, had the angelic hails of heaven and yet, on earth, gave Himself to the murderous nails of men!

There never was another Who was the Prince of life, yet died on Calvary; Who was as old as His heavenly Father and ages older than His earthly mother. There never was another Who was the victim of a Roman cross and victor at a Jewish grave.

There never was another Who poured all seas, all lakes, all rivers out of the crystal chalices of eternity, yet on a cross said with a mouth hot like a parched desert that cries for rain, ‘I thirst’

Thursday, January 25, 2007


The worst consequence about losing our imagination, our wonder,
is that we no longer see the Christward life as an adventure."
- Mark Buchanan

Gladys on the Ellen Show

I think you might enjoy this video

Wednesday, January 24, 2007

christmas in vegas

Okay, I admit it ... I enjoyed Barry. I waved my glowstick high in the air, I clapped my hands loudly, I sang along to Copacabana, and I even stood up and danced. It was amazing! I was impressively entertained by the entire experience --- from the hundreds of middle-aged women to Barry Manilow himself and his talented entourage (complete with background vocalists and a full band). I wish I could relive the experience with each of you so you could appreciate every aspect of the evening. Describing what I saw won't do it justice. But I took photos so hopefully you can get a small understanding of just how much I enjoyed my Christmas in Vegas.

Background: My Grammy invited me to attend the show with her. So, we went the day after Christmas. Traffic was awful (9 hour drive to Vegas!) but when we finally arrived we really enjoyed walking through the hotels and riding the monorail. Surprisingly, it was my first time in Vegas --- quite a memorable experience!

Monday, January 22, 2007

inbox 1 ... but none!

I have had a very frustrating experience with Yahoo mail this week. When I go to the main screen of my mail page it reads "Inbox 1", however, when I open my inbox there are NO NEW EMAILS!! AHHH!! How could this happen!?! Perhaps you are thinking I am a little anal, obsessive, ridiculous, insane, unreasonable, absurd, over the top ... and perhaps I am because I really can't handle this. Nic thought it might be a "thorn in the flesh" from the Lord - but I am convinced that the Lord would never do something like this to me.

I'm thinking about writing a letter to Yahoo :)

Saturday, January 20, 2007

congratulations david & ashley!!

Saturday, January 13, 2007

unflinching triumph

"the ultimate challenge of mind and body"

Monday, January 08, 2007

can you believe it's winter?

Despite the gallons of water I had to drink, my extremely chapped lips and the pounds of lotion I have had to slather on my hands . . . .
I really enjoyed the warm weather today. It's great not having to wear thick socks, warm pants AND a sweater to bed tonight!


My professor recently sent out an email with a list of required books for our next class. He also listed a few websites (like that would have the books available. I emailed him and shared that I had had great success with Wal-Mart's online bookstore because the books are almost always less expensive than other websites, the shipping is only 97cents per book, the orders arrive quickly and items can be returned to a nearby store if necessary. He said he would pass on the information. I later received an email from him which told students about my Wal-Mart book ordering experiences. He ended the note with this (I appreciated the humor) . . . . .

PS - Life Pacific College does not necessarily endorse supporting mega conglomerates bent on world domination, but if students can save a few bucks on books, be our guest ; )

Sunday, January 07, 2007


DAD: (while looking in fridge) Why don’t you make your dad a salad?
JENNY: Well, I'lll pull the bowl out for you and you can fill it.
DAD: After all I’ve sacrificed for you you won’t even make me a salad?
MOM: (watching TV) I'll make you a salad after this program is over.
DAD: Gail, you are the best wife I have ever had . . .
DAD: . . . this is what marriage should be like!!
JENNY: And this is coming from a man who says that married men and women should never live together.
DAD: They shouldn’t live together. Men and women should live near each other and then they should get together often for salad.

Saturday, January 06, 2007

simon on christmas morning

Friday, January 05, 2007

two MUST SEE videos of robbie

Robbie had his wisdom teeth removed Wednesday. He had my mom bring a video camera to capture the experience. It's SO funny ... and he can't even remember anything that you'll see on THE VIDEO

Thursday, January 04, 2007

finally a new photo!

I'm sick of looking at my hideous picture every time I open the internet. So I decided to post a more beautiful photo (until I have time to actually post something interesting). Stay tuned for ... pictures of Christmas in Vegas and New Years at the Roy home!!