Sunday, January 07, 2007


DAD: (while looking in fridge) Why don’t you make your dad a salad?
JENNY: Well, I'lll pull the bowl out for you and you can fill it.
DAD: After all I’ve sacrificed for you you won’t even make me a salad?
MOM: (watching TV) I'll make you a salad after this program is over.
DAD: Gail, you are the best wife I have ever had . . .
DAD: . . . this is what marriage should be like!!
JENNY: And this is coming from a man who says that married men and women should never live together.
DAD: They shouldn’t live together. Men and women should live near each other and then they should get together often for salad.


At 10:54 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I take that back, your bro is not wierd, your whole family is wierd.

At 1:24 PM, Blogger Jael said...

That was awesome!


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