Thursday, December 07, 2006

you know you've been studying too much when ...

... your dog is exhausted from staying up late each night with you
... every flat surface in your room is covered in stacks of books
... no amount of makeup seems to "hide" the large bags under your eyes
... a "party" is two girlfriends, three laptops and a night of studying
... you set three alarms, but in the morning you wake up to none of them
... your desk chair and bed have bum imprints from long hours of sitting
... you put your highlighter in your purse without the cap
(after a long night of reading) and therefore stain it bright yellow
... you take "you tube" video breaks every couple hours
... you laugh out loud at boring articles while sitting alone in your room
... you and your local Starbucks barista compare recent essay titles and hours slept (or not slept) during finals week
... you write lists about studying, rather than actually studying


At 11:06 AM, Blogger joy said...

Joy writes a ten page essay completely in the third person. :o)

Joy starts laughing at the list about studying and can't stop laughing until the laughs turn into sobs at the sad realities of sleep deprivation.

Joy starts scatting for no apparent reason and gradually it turns into deep spiritual warfare spirit language

Eyes bloodshot, body weary, Joy starts chanting:
"it will all be over soon, it will all be over soon, it will all be over soon......."


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