Tuesday, November 21, 2006

More People Watching

Exhibit A: Middle-aged, married man (ring on finger), wearing jeans and an inside-out blue t-shirt with a matching blue Padres baseball cap and a pair of brown worn Sperry's. He is sitting in the Solana Beach Starbucks alone on a Tuesday morning/afternoon drinking his venti Double Chocolate Chip Frappuccino (sucking every last drop out of the cup)
and reading Charlie Bone ... a children's mystery book.

This man intrigues me. What does he do for a living? Is he on vacation? Why is he here on a Tuesday morning and why is he reading a children's book? My best guess is that he is a elementary schoolteacher -- then he would most likely have the week off and he could spend it catching up on his upcoming student reading assignment . . . . What do you think?


At 6:12 PM, Blogger joy said...

The fact that he likes the padres automatically makes him a pretty cool guy. The fact that he reads children's book and drinks the very last of his chocolate yummy drink makes me think he knows how to have a good time. He sounds like he'd be a pretty awesome dad.

At 11:57 PM, Blogger Jimmy T said...

He's a doctor or something as intense....if you put yourself in his shoes and do the opposite of his relaxing day. the last thing I would want to do is read anything as intense as medicine stuff. Therefore something totally opposite would be simply children's books. Guys usually don't match what they wear on their day off unless they have money.

At 10:26 AM, Blogger Jenny said...

But, I don't think he was very wealthy ... he drove away in a Toyota camry or some other small sedan.

I really like your idea though Jimmy ... maybe he has some REALLY intense job (like CSI kinda stuff) and this is way to unwind

At 10:47 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

i totally agree with the tanovan-man. good call!
i think the guy is comfortably loaded and is kinda hip--like the too-cool-for-school type.

i hope you tell us all the right answer, Jenny. we are on the edge of our seats.


At 1:35 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi. I am the wedded, cap wearing, sedan driving (it was an ESCORT), Charlie Bone-reading man you saw at Starbucks. I lifted your blog address when I walked past your computer to throw away my frapuccino cup. And yes, it was sucked clean--give me a break! My wife has me on a diet.

I noticed you staring at me in the shop and, to be quite honest, I thought it was rather rude. If you must know, Charlie Bone happens to be one of my favorites. I read it every two weeks or so; every three if I'm busy. To me it's beautiful and I don't feel ashamed.

No I am not a teacher...well, not officially. I train young children in the way of the Red King. You see, Jenny, I MYSELF am a descendent of the Red King. Now do you feel bad about the things you've said about me? Chocolate Chip Frappuccinos are what we call "the food of the Red"--it's how we gain our sustenance, our powers.

Oh blast, I don't know why I am telling you all this. I guess because, though you stared, Jenny, you seem trustworthy. Also, I'm depressed because as a descendent of the Red King I should be driving AT LEAST an Accord.

Also, I was wondering, would you like to go out for a Chocolate Chip Frappuccino with me?

At 1:36 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

and PS--I AM comfortably loaded!

At 7:57 PM, Blogger Jimmy T said...

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At 8:14 PM, Blogger Jimmy T said...

You're wife has you on a diet? I hope I don't get that way.

At 1:37 PM, Blogger Sounds Like Natella said...

Ok, that anonymous post is pretty good. *Snaps* for creativity (or is it reality?! hehe)

At 4:40 PM, Blogger Charlotte Leanna said...

okay amatuers... this man MUST be one of two extremes. Jenny saw him and immediately thought average guy, school teacher, padre fan. On the other hand... I see him as one of two extremes:
1- He is a man-child. He never got over chocolate chips and children's books. The shirt is inside out because he never quite learned to dress himself.


2- He is undercover. Here's the 411 from head to toe:
*He is wearing a Padres cap because he want to be a believable San Diegan... He is actually a LAPD cop. He hates not wearing his Dodger's gear.
*His shirt is inside out because he was out late tracking a mysterious character. Then, at 7am he gets an abrupt wake upp call from his superior telling him the suspect is at Starbucks.
*The book does not belong to him. A child [let's call him Jack] and his mom are in a rush to get to vacation soccer camp. They are in such a rush that they leave Jack's drink and book of choice on the table. Our detective needs to hide his face from the suspect, so he pretends to read the book
*DUH. He can't buy a drink. There's no time for his back to be turned from the crowd. He picks up Jack's drink and slurps till the end because his nerves seriously need the chocolate
*The shoes are slip-ons, because as I said he had to RUSH out of the house to get to his suspect.
*The car is an inconspicuous vehicle. No one expects a detective to drive a camry

In the end, he realized that Jenny just looked thief he was after... after he realized it wasn't Jenny he went back to his hotel to sleep.


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