Tuesday, November 07, 2006

poo coffee ... AND saved by a book

"If you're in Australia and your coffee tastes like … well … poo, don't complain. Just hand over your $50 and enjoy it, lest you be considered uncouth. Herveys Range Heritage Tea Rooms in Queensland will soon become the latest to jump on the Kopi Luwak coffee bandwagon, and they seem to think this strange brew will be a hit with those seeking more than just your average cuppa joe. You see, Kopi Luwak coffee beans are collected exclusively from the doodie left behind by the luwak, a cat-like critter that lives in the Indonesian jungle. Apparently, luwaks like to eat ripe coffee cherries, but they will only eat the most mouth-watering of the bunch. After nature takes its course, lucky harvesters come along and collect the undigested inner beans from the dung ... But it gets even better ... The beans are then washed and just lightly roasted so as to avoid destroying all of the, uh, nuances of flavor created by the beans' magical digestive journey. They're then sold for big bucks to high-end retailers chomping at the bit for a pricey cup of poopy beans."

"A 54-year-old Orange Park man credits two Gideons Bibles in his shirt pocket for saving his life when they stopped a bullet. The man tells police that two men he didn't recognize ambushed him with a rifle as he carried bags to a trash bin. The two men fled in opposite directions and have not been arrested. The man's name is being withheld because his attackers are still at large. Other than a red mark and a pain in his chest, he wasn't injured. The man says he was carrying two New Testament Bibles in his shirt pocket to give to friends. Police took the Bibles as evidence. "

(check out Fox News "Out There Archive" for more stories like these)


At 8:56 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

bullet proof - that's awesome!


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