Monday, November 13, 2006

people watching

I love people watching ... people are SO fascinating!

I am currently sitting in Panera working on my homework and I have been "watching" the couple next to me for the last hour. Couples are my favorite to watch ... I like trying to figure out their relationship with each other. Are they married? On a first date? Brother and sister?

I can't quite figure out this couple next to me. They are in their mid-50s. I don't think they know each other very well. The man is a little strange and so far he has dominated most of the conversation by making random comments (listed below in no particular order) ---

"I wouldn't like to live in the rain. Rain is better when it's a treat. If people want to live in the rain they should move up north ... Look at that guy walking in black clothes outside - no one can see him crossing the street . . . I sound like my dad sometimes . . . Are you ready to go? You keep looking around like you're bored. Are you going to drink that? Is there something wrong with it? [he picks up her drink and finishes it] ... What do you want to have for dinner? fish and chips? We could cook that chicken or the ribs from the freezer. You know, we could just eat off paper plates. Or we could mop the floor and eat off of it."

--- Sometimes he turns his sentences into songs, "I think we should eat green beans for dinner". The woman has sat quietly listening to him. When she begins telling a story, he usually cuts her off mid-sentence. One of the woman's female friends just walked into the restaurant unexpectedly and she seems VERY happy to see her. She begins an exciting conversation with her friend (unlike the one she has had with her "man friend"). Unfortunately, the guy picked up on her excitement --- "it's funny how your energy level goes up when you see one of your friends". He is obviously hurt. She tries to make him feel better by saying, "well, she has helped me through a lot of low times". He is not convinced ... perhaps he is realizing just how much he bores her.

I can't figure out their relationship. They aren't married (no rings), they aren't related (when they mention family members they explain their relation), but it sounds like they are sharing a home because they keep talking about taking chicken out of the fridge for dinner. He has made a couple references to things his "first wife" used to do (uhh ... bad idea if this woman is his girlfriend!) How many wives has he been with? Maybe this current woman just needs to run away. Or maybe they're in love.


At 8:36 PM, Blogger Ben said...

that's a weird dude

At 9:44 PM, Blogger joy said...

Are you sure they're only in their 50s??? That sounds like something straight out of a nursing home!

At 1:33 PM, Blogger Jael said...

Dang, I should of stuck around. I wonder if it's a Panera thing, cuz last time I people watched there, it was the same thing; a man dominating the conversation, cutting the woman off, only he was super passionate and angry at the world the whole time. She just smiled and nodded at every outburst of wrath.

At 7:02 PM, Blogger Al said...


that was brilliant.

At 7:09 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ah yes, a sighting of the elusive 'Homo Egocentricus'. Seems they're becoming more and more common these days.

At 11:51 PM, Blogger Deanna said...

I love that you eavesdroped and then posted it for the world to read. The word for word really is much more powerful than a paraphrase. And I'm not talking about the message...

At 9:52 AM, Blogger Leah said...

I thought I was the only one who loved people watching. Hahahah. You're great, Jenny!

At 3:29 PM, Blogger Jenny said...

I didn't think my people watching post would get SO many comments! Well ... I'm back at Panera again today (working on homework), but I have no strange people to report yet.

At 10:52 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

this post was especially deep because it is unfortunately reminiscent of many of the 'converstaions' I am on the receiving end of with the male sort.

but "un dia mi principe vendra".



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