Tuesday, December 05, 2006

i am rejoicing

So . . . I had a MASSIVE final project due last night for my Bible class. The project makes up 1/3 of my final grade (scary!). I have been working on the project for a long while, but have not been able to complete the work in time. I was planning to work on it all night tonight and again tomorrow night and then turn it in a couple days late (with a significant point reduction).

But, I prayed like crazy for supernatural grace and I just received an email this evening from my teacher who has decided to extend our due date . . . we now have until Monday to complete the project! WOO HOO!!! I was SO excited when I read the email that I yelled "YES!" about 100 times and danced uncontrollably around my house. PRAISE THE LORD!!!


At 6:35 PM, Blogger Sounds Like Natella said...

Do I smell procrastination or busyness? Either way, it's good you are rejoicing in the grace! It reminds us how much we need it!

At 3:06 PM, Blogger joy said...

I was there...she was in a state of intense glee & happiness...she was partying like it was 1999 - no joke.


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