Wednesday, January 24, 2007

christmas in vegas

Okay, I admit it ... I enjoyed Barry. I waved my glowstick high in the air, I clapped my hands loudly, I sang along to Copacabana, and I even stood up and danced. It was amazing! I was impressively entertained by the entire experience --- from the hundreds of middle-aged women to Barry Manilow himself and his talented entourage (complete with background vocalists and a full band). I wish I could relive the experience with each of you so you could appreciate every aspect of the evening. Describing what I saw won't do it justice. But I took photos so hopefully you can get a small understanding of just how much I enjoyed my Christmas in Vegas.

Background: My Grammy invited me to attend the show with her. So, we went the day after Christmas. Traffic was awful (9 hour drive to Vegas!) but when we finally arrived we really enjoyed walking through the hotels and riding the monorail. Surprisingly, it was my first time in Vegas --- quite a memorable experience!


At 11:04 PM, Blogger Leah said...

I LOVE Barry Manilow. He's so precious. So talented too. Perhaps I need a glow stick...

At 4:07 PM, Blogger Jael said...

Glad you had fun friend. You should post some of the video you took.

At 10:06 PM, Blogger Sounds Like Natella said...

Your picture of "The Strip" looks way better than it did when I went there. Nice to see you had a great time!


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