Thursday, November 30, 2006

"baby got book"

check out this music video courtesy of Katelyn Fitzpatrick

Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Top Ten Highest-Paid Actresses . . .

The Hollywood Reporter released a list of the top 10 highest-paid actresses today. Before you read the list stop and think about who you think would/should be included . . . Okay, here is the list ...

10. Jennifer Aniston --- $8 million
($8 million!?! That is incredible!! And that's not even the most!!)

9. Kirsten Dunst --- $8 to $10 million
(remember when she played an innocent little girl in Jumanji?)

8. Angelina Jolie --- $10 million

7. Charlize Theron --- $10 million

6. Halle Berry --- $14 million

5. Cameron Diaz --- $15 million
(earned $20 for Charlie's Angels: Full Throttle!!)

4. Drew Barrymore --- $15 million

3. Renee Zellweger --- $15 million

2. Reese Witherspoon --- $15 million

1. (you will have to guess)

post your guess in the comments & then click here for the answer

Tuesday, November 28, 2006

simon working on homework

check out his expression ... he obviously doesn't like homework

Monday, November 27, 2006

went Christmas shopping today

the irony of shopping is that the "Express Lane" is never fast

Friday, November 24, 2006

I'm My Own Grandpa

CLICK HERE for the actual song

Oh, many, many years ago when I was twenty-three
I was married to a widow who was pretty as can be
This widow had a grown-up daughter who had hair of red
My father fell in love with her and soon the two were wed

This made my dad my son-in-law and changed my very life
For my daughter was my other 'cause she was my father's wife
To complicate the matter though it really brought me joy
I soon became the father of a bouncing baby boy

This little baby then became a brother-in-law to dad
And so became my uncle though it made me very sad
For if he was my uncle then that also made him my brother
Of the widow's grown-up daughter who of course is my step-mother

I'm my own grandpa ... I'm my own grandpa
It sounds funny I know, but it really is so
Oh, I'm my own grandpa

My father's wife then had a son who kept them on the run
And he became grandchild for he was my daughter's son
My wife is now my mother's mother and it makes me blue
Because although she is my wife she's my grandmother too

Now if my wife is my grandmother then I'm her grandchild
And every time I think of it it nearly drives me wild
For now I have become the strangest case you ever saw
As husband of my grandma, I am my own grandpa

Thursday, November 23, 2006

happy thanksgiving!!

Guess who's going to Las Vegas with Grammy the day after Christmas to see Barry Manilow in concert???

. . . you guessed it . . . ME

Tuesday, November 21, 2006

More People Watching

Exhibit A: Middle-aged, married man (ring on finger), wearing jeans and an inside-out blue t-shirt with a matching blue Padres baseball cap and a pair of brown worn Sperry's. He is sitting in the Solana Beach Starbucks alone on a Tuesday morning/afternoon drinking his venti Double Chocolate Chip Frappuccino (sucking every last drop out of the cup)
and reading Charlie Bone ... a children's mystery book.

This man intrigues me. What does he do for a living? Is he on vacation? Why is he here on a Tuesday morning and why is he reading a children's book? My best guess is that he is a elementary schoolteacher -- then he would most likely have the week off and he could spend it catching up on his upcoming student reading assignment . . . . What do you think?


Have you ever sneezed while you were eating something?
Why does that happen?? . . . it's disgusting!

Thursday, November 16, 2006

want to go?

Monday, November 13, 2006

people watching

I love people watching ... people are SO fascinating!

I am currently sitting in Panera working on my homework and I have been "watching" the couple next to me for the last hour. Couples are my favorite to watch ... I like trying to figure out their relationship with each other. Are they married? On a first date? Brother and sister?

I can't quite figure out this couple next to me. They are in their mid-50s. I don't think they know each other very well. The man is a little strange and so far he has dominated most of the conversation by making random comments (listed below in no particular order) ---

"I wouldn't like to live in the rain. Rain is better when it's a treat. If people want to live in the rain they should move up north ... Look at that guy walking in black clothes outside - no one can see him crossing the street . . . I sound like my dad sometimes . . . Are you ready to go? You keep looking around like you're bored. Are you going to drink that? Is there something wrong with it? [he picks up her drink and finishes it] ... What do you want to have for dinner? fish and chips? We could cook that chicken or the ribs from the freezer. You know, we could just eat off paper plates. Or we could mop the floor and eat off of it."

--- Sometimes he turns his sentences into songs, "I think we should eat green beans for dinner". The woman has sat quietly listening to him. When she begins telling a story, he usually cuts her off mid-sentence. One of the woman's female friends just walked into the restaurant unexpectedly and she seems VERY happy to see her. She begins an exciting conversation with her friend (unlike the one she has had with her "man friend"). Unfortunately, the guy picked up on her excitement --- "it's funny how your energy level goes up when you see one of your friends". He is obviously hurt. She tries to make him feel better by saying, "well, she has helped me through a lot of low times". He is not convinced ... perhaps he is realizing just how much he bores her.

I can't figure out their relationship. They aren't married (no rings), they aren't related (when they mention family members they explain their relation), but it sounds like they are sharing a home because they keep talking about taking chicken out of the fridge for dinner. He has made a couple references to things his "first wife" used to do (uhh ... bad idea if this woman is his girlfriend!) How many wives has he been with? Maybe this current woman just needs to run away. Or maybe they're in love.

Thursday, November 09, 2006

Here is this vast, savage, howling mother of ours, Nature,
lying all around, with such beauty, & such affection for her children,
as the leopard; & yet we are so early weaned from her breast to society,
to that culture which is exclusively an interaction of man on man.
- Henry David Thoreau

Wednesday, November 08, 2006

i want to go here ...

Tuesday, November 07, 2006

poo coffee ... AND saved by a book

"If you're in Australia and your coffee tastes like … well … poo, don't complain. Just hand over your $50 and enjoy it, lest you be considered uncouth. Herveys Range Heritage Tea Rooms in Queensland will soon become the latest to jump on the Kopi Luwak coffee bandwagon, and they seem to think this strange brew will be a hit with those seeking more than just your average cuppa joe. You see, Kopi Luwak coffee beans are collected exclusively from the doodie left behind by the luwak, a cat-like critter that lives in the Indonesian jungle. Apparently, luwaks like to eat ripe coffee cherries, but they will only eat the most mouth-watering of the bunch. After nature takes its course, lucky harvesters come along and collect the undigested inner beans from the dung ... But it gets even better ... The beans are then washed and just lightly roasted so as to avoid destroying all of the, uh, nuances of flavor created by the beans' magical digestive journey. They're then sold for big bucks to high-end retailers chomping at the bit for a pricey cup of poopy beans."

"A 54-year-old Orange Park man credits two Gideons Bibles in his shirt pocket for saving his life when they stopped a bullet. The man tells police that two men he didn't recognize ambushed him with a rifle as he carried bags to a trash bin. The two men fled in opposite directions and have not been arrested. The man's name is being withheld because his attackers are still at large. Other than a red mark and a pain in his chest, he wasn't injured. The man says he was carrying two New Testament Bibles in his shirt pocket to give to friends. Police took the Bibles as evidence. "

(check out Fox News "Out There Archive" for more stories like these)

Monday, November 06, 2006

Started listening to Christmas music this week ... I am a happy woman!

Sunday, November 05, 2006

Last week I bought a book of "12,000 Religious Quotations". I'm really excited about it because I LOVE good quotes. I probably won't post all of them ... at least not all in one post.

fine-looking faces

"There's a time when a man needs to fight and a time when he needs to accept that his destiny's lost, the ship has sailed and that only a fool will continue. The truth is I've always been a fool."

Wednesday, November 01, 2006

need for good communication

A guy walking down a street one day noticed a man struggling with a washing machine in the doorway of his home. When he volunteered to help the homeowner was overjoyed. After several minutes of fruitless struggle the man said to the homeowner, "We'll never get this washing machine in there." To which the homeowner replied in amazement, "In? I'm trying to get it out!"

cover your cough

My mom sent me this link ... it gets funnier toward the end.

give a helping hand

David Hathaway sent me this link today. I recommend not watching the whole thing - it's slightly boring after 2 or 3 minutes. I would like to think that it's a joke ... but, unfortunately, I think these people are serious.
My personal favorite is purple shirt woman.