unquenchable love
"for love is as strong as death...many waters cannot quench love, nor can the floods drown it. if a man would give for love all the wealth of his house, it would be utterly despised." -- song of solomon 8:6-7
Wednesday, July 19, 2006
Monday, July 17, 2006
A Tremendous Sunday
Woke Up On Time (well ... almost)
Enjoyed An Incredible Service at Church
(highlights: worship, offering, second offering, preaching - everything!)
Watched 12 People Get Water Baptized
(highlight: only 6 people were signed up before the service ... it doubled!)
Fellowshipped at the Church Picnic
(highlight: ate with a few great women I had never chatted with before)
Changed Into My Swimsuit & Drank Martinelli's
(highlight: swimsuit AND martinelli's - need I say more??)
Drove While Singing at the Top of My Lungs
(highlight: man who crossed two lanes of traffic to pull up next to me and stare with a VERY angry face ... I came to the conclusion that he just doesn't love his life as much as I love mine)
Was Invited to Eat Homemade Mexican Food with the Assi's
(highlight: dreaming of eating Mexican food with a Chilean/Spanish/Palestinian family)
Swam in the Schneider Pool with Joy, Jael, Janet & Some Bees
(highlight: going down the waterslide head first while screaming)
Joined the Assi's for Some Tasty Fajitas
(highlight: staring/smiling at the family while they conversed in Spanish)
Attended an "Awesome Town" Indoor Soccer Game
(highlights: cheering and watching Gus block about one million shots)
Joined the Team for Ice Cream at Cold Stone
(highlight: trying everyone's strange ice cream concoctions)
Arrived Back Home with Nicole
(highlight: the air conditioner was on)
Side Note: it was definately 100 degrees in RB a few days ago!
Watched Nicole Put Several Rubber Bands in Her Hair
(highlight: her hair this morning --- see other post for details)
Watched "Benny and Joon" with Nicole
(highlight: trying to keep Nicole awake for the "good parts")
Cheering for the Game (check out how bored the opponents look
sitting in the seats next to us ... they weren't even cheering!)

Baby Caleb - Six Days Old

Team "Awesome Town"

Scott's Battle Wound

Eating Ice Cream with the Assi Girls

Jael and Natasha (and some kook that jumped into the photo)

Nicole & Ben Playing Rock, Paper, Scissors
(note: this is a common occurrence - they are VERY serious about this game ... just look at the expression on both of their faces!!)

Wednesday, July 12, 2006
A Much Needed Update
Soooo ... I have obviously not posted for a little while. I have been out enjoying my summer, enjoying my friends, enjoying my life AND taking lots of pictures (by the way, "I love my life!"). I think it is time for an update - find a comfortable chair and put your feet up because this may take longer than expected.
In late June I got to hang out with my dear friend, Chelsea. We spent some much needed time together while walking the beach. The best part of the night was when I found a frisbee (a.k.a. "Totally Colorful Disc") laying on the sand. I had just been at Target earlier that day looking for a frisbee to keep in my car and they did not have any. But I found one! (it's the little things in life)

Later in the week, we had a sort of "going away bowling night" for Sean. At the end of the night we said our goodbyes and sent Sean off to Washington (but not before stopping at Denny's for a late night snack!).

I also celebrated a few birthdays during the month of June. The first was Pastor Myles' birthday ... we all know his birthday would not be complete without a science experiment! Below, you can see him making "homemade" ice cream (last picture shows the final product).

We also celebrated Danielle's birthday. Our first stop was Baskin Robbins and then we topped it off with a walk down the beach at Del Mar.

This is Nicole and I attempting to take a picture of us jumping ... the attempts were many and the final feeling of success was incredible.

More Photos To Come ...
Monday, July 03, 2006
Happy July!!
The ice cream man just drove by my house ... it is now officially summer. I guess the fact that the temperature has been about one million degrees for the past few weeks would also prove that summer has arrived. I appreciate the summer heat, but I DO NOT appreciate this year's humidity and random rainstorms. What is going on?? I feel like I'm living on a tropical island ... except for the lack of tropical plants/animals and water surrounding our city.
On another note, I watched the new Pride and Prejudice for the first time last night. I actually knew nothing about the story, but I was quite entertained and thoroughly impressed with Mr. Darcy and his ardent love for Elizabeth. I suggest that men everywhere watch and take notes!
Saturday, July 01, 2006

Fortunes I Have Received In My Fortune Cookies This Year . . .
Your fastidious nature will have much more fun this year!
(I like the sound of that! And how did they know I'm fastidious?!?)
A beautiful, smart & loving person will be coming into your life
A friend will bring you a big surprise soon
(It's worth noting that the Chinese word on the back of the fortune is "haizi" which translates to "children" - will I be birthing a large child soon??)