Tuesday, February 28, 2006

Thought I Should Share ...

After sending an email regarding the upcoming Acquire the Fire,
I received a reply which included the following photo and text ...

"Acquire this fire!"

Saturday, February 25, 2006

Catalina Grace

I got to spend my morning with Catalina in the office.
We spent most of our time ...

... watching VeggieTales movie trailers...

... talking to pretend people on the phone ...

... snacking ...

... and spinning in our chairs.

Wednesday, February 22, 2006

With Olivia in Coronado

Olivia and I went to Coronado for the evening. We walked the town and decided that we were both in the mood for a burger and fries ... so, we stopped at Mc P's Irish Pub. It was one of the strangest dining experiences I have ever had ...

First, the restaurant was SO ghetto - the thick carpeted floor was covered in food, the walls had food (mainly ketchup) splattered on them and the table was dirty. Second, the people eating in the restaurant were SO weird ... one man was sitting at a table all by himself which was right next to a fireplace - the entire time we were there he never ate anything and he seemed to have his eyes closed. At one point (when we decided he was sleeping) he got a phone call - he woke up & got really intense saying things like, "you need to think about your future!" We were quite pleased with our giant hamburgers (complete with guacamole & cheese) and just as we were about finished, the "live music" started ... two old men and their two old guitars ... at this point, we decided it was time to leave and get dessert. We stopped by MooTown Creamery for a delicious waffle cone and ice cream.

Then we walked through the Hotel Del (which Olivia had never been in before). I love feeling like I've stepped back in time as soon as I walk into the hotel - I love the old wood and the antique smell. One of these days I want to put on a formal dress, go to the hotel and pretend that I actually have a reservation - hopefully it will get me into the ballroom!

My Tuesday Night

Last night I felt like some chips and dip and a good, clean comedy.
So, that's just what I did ... a bag of chips, a bean, cheese and salsa concoction and Dirty Rotten Scoundrels (haha - that sounds funny).
I really enjoyed the movie - quite funny and clever!

PS: Joy, hang on to your hat - the photos are coming soon.

Wednesday, February 15, 2006

Happy (day after) Valentine's Day!

After stuffing ourselves with chips and salsa at El Torito, Jael and I watched Nanny McPhee - I really enjoyed it! Emma Thompson did a great job. It was nice seeing a movie that was clean AND entertaining.

Monday, February 13, 2006

All in a Days Work

I woke up on time (hallelujah!) after hearing both my phone and radio alarms. I drove to Starbucks to pick up the Pastors' tea and then dropped it off at the their home. Then I headed to the church/school to prepare for the service. Church went very well - Pastor Jerry began a great series on marriage. I'm believing for marriages in the church to restored and refreshed (don't forget ... tomorrow is Valentine's Day).

After church, I jumped in my car, opened my sunroof (it was 80 degrees!) and turned on Rita Springer - it just doesn't get any better than that!! I eventually arrived at Panera and enjoyed a nice lunch with Joy, Carissa, Emilie, Ben and Jimmy. Ben and I were feeling adventurous and decided to try a different sandwich than normal. Joy was convinced that our waitress looked exactly like Carla from Cheers ... after looking at pictures online, I think they could be twins!

After lingering for an hour, I went home to change from my Sunday morning skirt & sweater and into my lazy Sunday evening pants and t-shirt (my favorite outfit!). Then I met Allene for our pedicure … as with most events that women involve themselves in, the pedicure works only as an opportunity for great conversation - it's our time (every couple months) to catch up on each other's lives. We also enjoy laughing at the women working on our feet – some get very aggressive and somehow find pleasure in trimming our skin and then rubbing alcohol on it. Others give you the evil eye when you tell them the color is wrong and you’d like to try something else. All this for the low-low price of $20! It’s crazy what we pay for, but I decided a long time ago that money just isn't an issue – I love to pay for coffee, a meal or even a pedicure when conversation with a good friend is involved ... I think those moments are priceless (we can always get more money, but not more time).

Well, after our lovely pedicure, I decided to take Simon on a walk around the block. For some reason, he felt that it was necessary to mark every bush he came in contact with and I found myself dragging him uphill and out of the shrubbery. While walking, I called Lindsey to get an update on her almost-married life. It always amazes me to hear how much goes into the planning of a wedding ... but, I guess it is all worth it when you only do it once in your lifetime! I'm looking forward to my visit to Hydesville for her Bridal Shower - I love all the childhood memories that flood my mind as soon as I drive back into the town.

The rest of my night was nice and relaxing. I went to a college cell group and then came home and read 1 Samuel (stories of men making golden rats and tumors and offering them to God!). Some of the Intern girls stayed the night at my house and then left for Washinton D.C. at 4 this morning. While they traveled to the airport, I enjoyed sleeping in.

Saturday, February 11, 2006

Random Facts From My School Book

"A recent survey reports that the top three comfort foods for women are ice cream, chocolate, and cookies; men prefer ice cream, soup and pizza or pasta."

"The sprig of parsley added to a plate of food may have originated as a way to safeguard the meal from evil."

"American broccoli consumption has increased over 900 percent in the past 25 years, nearing 8 pounds per person each year.

"The average American eats 139 meals in restaurants each year, and over $1 billion is spent on restaurant fare in the United States each day."

"Americans consume over 14 million hamburgers each day." (yum!)

"Insects, such as termites and ants, provide 10 percent of the protein consumed worldwide." (yuck!)

"It is believed that only 15% of the adult population in the world (those of northern European heritage) can drink milk without some digestive discomfort."

"The Japanese say that for every new food a person tries, life is extended 75 days."

Friday, February 10, 2006

The King and Queen

The king threw back his head and laughed.
He enjoyed a good laugh, and so did his wife, the queen.
When she saw the king laughing she let out a big laugh too.
In fact, she laughed so hard she broke her throne.
This made them both laugh harder.

Then they got serious when they remembered they had the plague.
"The plague," said the king,
but the way he said it made them both burst out laughing again.

Monday, February 06, 2006

Guess What I Bought ...

Woo Hoo!! I bought a new car this weekend!!
It's crazy ... it felt very surreal as I drove away for the first time.
I don't really have much to say about it. I am just SO blessed.
It is EXACTLY what a prayed for (exactly!) - so, Praise God!
It is a 2005 Toyota Camry (SE model) complete with spoiler & sunroof. Call me if you'd like to go for a ride :)

Saturday, February 04, 2006

The Ice Cream Man

In America, we determine the length of our seasons by whether or not a little mole-like creature sees his shadow (stop for one second and just think about how weird that is)

Although San Diego is a part of America, we do things differently. Our seasons are not determined by an animal but by the arrival of the Ice Cream Man and his faithful truck. I am here to announce that just minutes ago the Ice Cream Man stopped by for his first official visit of the year - he arrived with his beat up truck blaring a loud nursery rhyme for all to hear. I think Phil is wrong ... SPRING HAS SPRUNG!