the bachelor

So, I know this show has been on for several seasons, but I am still SHOCKED by it! One extremely good-looking man, who just happens to be a doctor in the navy, a triathlete in the Iron Man competitions and a winner of several humanitarian awards . . . is choosing his lifetime mate (!!!) from a group of 25 high-maintenance, educated, desperate, gorgeous and jealous women.
Tonight was so incredibly awkward! It was the first episode of the season (which is the only one worth watching because the previews look nasty for the next ones), and therefore the opportunity for the women to make their first impressions while exiting the limo to hug "the bachelor" for the first time. Most are trying way too hard to make a better impression than the other 24. Some women were just weird! If I was a man I would have been disgusted. Some flauted themselves and made arrogant comments, but others were very polite and down to earth. One woman even sang the "Star Spangled Banner" for him ... weird! (do men like this?) He was trying SO hard to be nice (and not laugh), but I don't think he was impressed.
I'm surprised that a man would subject himself to this ... obviously he gets the affection of 25 women for the duration of the filming (quite the ego booster) ... but then he has to commit to one of them. What if they are all weird? If hasn't been able to commit to a woman in his 30 years of living, what makes him think that he can do it now with such a limited selection!? And what about these women - aren't they embarressed? Some of them are very intelligent and well-educated, but they look desperate on this show when they begin flirting in front of him or swearing at the other women when they get jealous.
Television is strange these days.
i just want to watch "Leave it to Beaver" and "The Brady Bunch"...forget all these young whipper-snappers and they're crazy "reality" tv mumbo jumbo...lets go back to some old-fashioned wholesome entertainment!
Wait, one guy picking from 25 educated, beautiful women, and all he has to do is to also be witty, charming, and incredibly good looking? Where do I sign up for his job?
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