Thursday, April 26, 2007

the latest fashion


I love passionate people ... people who pursue something and go ALL the way. These are not the apathetic or the half-hearted. They take life seriously, and I think they have fun doing it.

For instance, the older gentleman in 4S Ranch who is a passionate biker. He doesn't ride just any bike. He rides a three-wheeled bike - the ones you sit down inside of - and the bike waves his homemade flag (a neon green pool noodle with colored streamers attached). This man wears spandex pants and a bright yellow, spandex top. He also wears his helmet (complete with small attached mirror) and biking shoes with pride ... he does not take them off when he dismounts his bike and walks through the town. This man is one heck of a passionate biker. And I bet he loves his life.

Or the man I met at Wal-Mart today who is responsible for repairing the key-making machine. When I arrived at the counter he was carefully brushing the silver and gold dust off the machine while singing about it (something like, "dusty, dusty, dusty"). I asked if he would be making keys and he explained that the machine was being serviced as it always is when it reaches the 28,000 - 33,000 key mark. I appreciated the facts and I could tell he was proud to share them. He reminded me of Dwight ... he is passionate about his job.


Do you agree that commercials have reached an all-time low? It seems that commercials are more disgusting than ever before! I have found that I cannot sit through an entire television show without seeing one awkward "male enhancement" commercial. And this is on standard cable channels in the middle of the afternoon or early evening --- I'm not watching some sick channel late at night! What about other families (and their children) who are watching the same program. I am even embarressed to watch with my dad and brother now because we see a Victoria's Secret commercial or JCPenney's underwear advertisement every thirty minutes!

okay, I am done ranting now ... thanks for reading :)

Tuesday, April 24, 2007

my new friends

1. THE LORD – technically, the Lord is not a new friend of mine … He is actually like a best friend that I grew up with for years & years and now get to spend more time with than EVER before which is SO darn refreshing and fun that words can’t even describe how much I am enjoying the relationship … that kind of friend

2. ICED GRANDE HAZELNUT LATTE – not really a new friend either (although newer than The Lord) … I seek out this friend when a dependable/refreshing “pick me up” is needed during a dull day OR when I just want to sit on a bench out in the sun and read a good book … this friend is quite the book-reading companion!

3. DR. LAURA – she is one of those really intense friends that you must take in small amounts, but I find that I really appreciate her point of view/opinions and her integrity and I’m always fascinated to hear what she has to say because she often speaks the truth (I love truth!) … we spend our afternoons together and I find myself looking forward to hearing her voice

4. THE COMPANY CAR – we oftentimes spend both our mornings and afternoons together and it is during my time with the company car that I seem to pray my best prayers, hear clearly from God and get the most revelation … who wouldn’t want a friend like that!?

5. QUICKBOOKS – this is my newest friend and this friend is a challenger … the one that puts you to the test … the iron sharpening iron … and I like that in a friend because I appreciate a good old-fashioned challenge! … we have recently been spending our afternoons together and I am learning more and more about this new friend each day … I look forward to learning more tomorrow

Saturday, April 21, 2007


"There is nothing on my horizon except everything.
Everything is on my horizon." - Dwight Shrute

Wednesday, April 18, 2007


Sanjaya got voted off!!!
we did some serious dancing in our living room

happy birthday emilie

On Friday, we celebrated Emilie's 26th birthday! We drove up to Pasadena and met Emilie for a delicious Thai dinner at a great outdoor restaurant and then we headed to the Pasadena Jazz Institute for some incredible music. We ended the night squished on two hotel beds in our pajamas eating a tasty vegan chocolate cake. It was a great trip ... lots of refreshing woman time :)

Thursday, April 12, 2007

robbie won

Simon and Robbie just had a staring contest

Tuesday, April 10, 2007

a much needed update

I have not posted an update in quite awhile. So here is part one ...

Route 56 is going SO well!! There is some stinkin' crazy creavity flowing amongst leaders, the kids are so excited to be a part of this new ministry and we are all about to wet our pants in the anticipation of our upcoming camp!! We were able to meet in our own classroom on Sunday and it was amazing (photos above - I took them so I'm not in either). We played a rowdy game of "Cheeks in the Chair" (made up by Nic, Jael and myself just days before) which ended up being quite a hit - I will have to teach it to you sometime :) We had 25 kids in class and EIGHT were first time visitors. Amazing! The best part was their response to Nic's preaching - FOUR of them accepted Christ!!

It is SO exciting and we are having SO much fun with the group. We are having our FIRST EVER Route 56 Camp this summer ... away ... in the mountains ... in tepee/tent/cabin thingys ... for three nights ... and I can't wait! Nic, Jael and I can't stop thinking about camp - everytime we talk we have a hundred new ideas and every week we have amazing testimonies of the kids and their parents. I am blessed to play a part in establishing Route 56 -- it is so fun and fulfilling to see these kids make their own decision to serve God ... and it's great to play such an influential role in their lives right now!

Last month we planned an "Afternoon Adventure" in which Pastor Julia was kidnapped while we are all playing a game together in the park. A car pulled up, two unidentified men jumped out, the grabbed Pastor Julia and threw her into the trunk while speeding away right in front of the kids. It was amazing! Then they had to spend the rest of the afternoon finding clues that helped lead them to Pastor Julia. They visited Starbucks and were given clues from the baristas, they found a clue hidden under a breadloaf in Ralph's, they received one clue at a local sword shop and even went to the library to access a secret email account that gave them the final clue ... Pastor Julia's location. We sped to her home and found Pastor Carl knocked out on the porch with a hammer by his head and "blood" across his face after his attempts to rescue his wife. He led us inside the house where we found Pastor Julia tied up and thrown into the closet. Like I said, it was AMAZING! Below is the group that came ....

Check out this amazing picture we tried to take of us jumping ... we look like we are pooping! The second was better :)

Sunday, April 08, 2007

how deep the father's love!!

behold the Man upon a cross

my sin upon His shoulders

ashamed, I hear my mocking voice

call out among the scoffers

it was my sin that held Him there

until it was accomplished

His dying breath has brought me life

I know that it is finished

Wednesday, April 04, 2007

how deep the father's love

how great the pain of searing loss

the Father turned His face away

as wounds which mar the Chosen One

bring many sons to glory

Tuesday, April 03, 2007

how deep the father's love

how deep the Father's love for us

how vast beyond all measure

that He should give His only Son

to make a wretch His treasure

the lord is my shepherd

"He makes me to lie down in green pastures;

He leads me beside the still waters.

He restores my soul ..."

Monday, April 02, 2007

the bachelor

So, I know this show has been on for several seasons, but I am still SHOCKED by it! One extremely good-looking man, who just happens to be a doctor in the navy, a triathlete in the Iron Man competitions and a winner of several humanitarian awards . . . is choosing his lifetime mate (!!!) from a group of 25 high-maintenance, educated, desperate, gorgeous and jealous women.

Tonight was so incredibly awkward! It was the first episode of the season (which is the only one worth watching because the previews look nasty for the next ones), and therefore the opportunity for the women to make their first impressions while exiting the limo to hug "the bachelor" for the first time. Most are trying way too hard to make a better impression than the other 24. Some women were just weird! If I was a man I would have been disgusted. Some flauted themselves and made arrogant comments, but others were very polite and down to earth. One woman even sang the "Star Spangled Banner" for him ... weird! (do men like this?) He was trying SO hard to be nice (and not laugh), but I don't think he was impressed.

I'm surprised that a man would subject himself to this ... obviously he gets the affection of 25 women for the duration of the filming (quite the ego booster) ... but then he has to commit to one of them. What if they are all weird? If hasn't been able to commit to a woman in his 30 years of living, what makes him think that he can do it now with such a limited selection!? And what about these women - aren't they embarressed? Some of them are very intelligent and well-educated, but they look desperate on this show when they begin flirting in front of him or swearing at the other women when they get jealous.

Television is strange these days.

Sunday, April 01, 2007

mystery - phil wickham

Here in the quiet speak to me now
My ears are open to
Your gentle sweet whispering
Break down the door, come inside
Shine down Your bright light
I need a lamp for my feet,
I need a lamp for my feet
I want to hear the thunder of who You are
To be captured inside the wonder of who You are
I want to live I want to breathe
To search out Your heart and all of Your mysteries