Thursday, April 26, 2007


I love passionate people ... people who pursue something and go ALL the way. These are not the apathetic or the half-hearted. They take life seriously, and I think they have fun doing it.

For instance, the older gentleman in 4S Ranch who is a passionate biker. He doesn't ride just any bike. He rides a three-wheeled bike - the ones you sit down inside of - and the bike waves his homemade flag (a neon green pool noodle with colored streamers attached). This man wears spandex pants and a bright yellow, spandex top. He also wears his helmet (complete with small attached mirror) and biking shoes with pride ... he does not take them off when he dismounts his bike and walks through the town. This man is one heck of a passionate biker. And I bet he loves his life.

Or the man I met at Wal-Mart today who is responsible for repairing the key-making machine. When I arrived at the counter he was carefully brushing the silver and gold dust off the machine while singing about it (something like, "dusty, dusty, dusty"). I asked if he would be making keys and he explained that the machine was being serviced as it always is when it reaches the 28,000 - 33,000 key mark. I appreciated the facts and I could tell he was proud to share them. He reminded me of Dwight ... he is passionate about his job.


At 1:29 PM, Blogger Nicole C. Corpuz said...

Sweet Lord, bike man IS incredible!! I've often paused for a moment after observing him, wondering- do I admire his individuality, or am I merely amused at his ridiculously comical contraption?

At 11:50 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Are you talking about THE Dwight, of, "The Office"???

I LOVE Dwight!


Is it possible to love someone, like Dwight, who doesn't actually exist?

(Miss you!)


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