Sunday, February 11, 2007


I am on vacation. It's wonderful.

It began at the San Diego Airport on Thursday night. Upon arrival, I had my three bottles of water confiscated by a woman that appeared to hate her job. I tried to convince her that I read on-line that you can bring juice and water on the plane (I really did!) … she was not convinced. Then I put my bags through the scanner and proudly walked through the metal detector knowing I had no metal on me. But, then I was asked to step aside for further investigation. Apparently I was supposed to take my laptop out of the bag before putting it through the scanner so they had to test it for suspicious materials. By this time, I was a little annoyed with the airport security. But I sat down in a chair near my gate and once again remembered that I was on vacation … I smiled. I also remembered that there is no greater place to people watch then in an airport. I LOVE watching the people – it’s so fascinating! I especially like watching a group of people getting off a plane and trying to guess what city they are from based on what they’re wearing. Well, when I finally got on the plane, I sat across from Miss Sicky McSickerton. I had prayed in the morning that I would be protected from illness on the plane and that the Lord would keep me healthy. But, this woman enjoyed coughing/sneezing every 5 minutes … and each time she would turn toward the aisle to do it (thus coughing in my direction). Then the stewardesses couldn’t get one of the overhead compartments to close. It became a HUGE ordeal because we couldn’t leave until it closed but none of the passengers wanted to get up and help them because we were too afraid of making fools of ourselves. Eventually, they emptied the compartment of it’s luggage and taped the door shut. Then Miss McSickerton said, “I hope that’s the only malfunction on this plane”. I let out a burst of laughter so loud that people turned around and stared at me. I admit, I just didn’t expect it from her! Although she was passing along her germs to me, I did have to give her credit for her wit. The rest of the ride was extremely turbulent. I honestly thought I was going to vomit when we landed. But, then I remembered that I was on vacation and I smiled again.


At 12:17 PM, Blogger joy said...

Wow! What an ordeal! I'm glad you made it through your plane experience alive and well! :o)LOL


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