Tuesday, October 03, 2006

1 Corinthians 13

If I cast vision with the tongues of men and angels,
but lead without the love of God at my core,
I am a ringing cell phone or worse,
a clamoring vacuous corporate type.

If I have the gift of leadership and can provide direction,
build teams, and set goals, but fail to exhibit Christ-like kindness
or give Christ the credit for my accomplishments,
In the eyes of God, all my achievements count for precisely nothing.

If I give my salary to the poor, my reserved parking space to an intern,
or my deacons' bodies to be burned, but neglect to relate
and work in a manner worthy of the One whose name I bear,
In the final analysis, it all counts for precisely nothing.

A close, humble walk with Christ never fails.
It strengthens the heart, redirects the will,
restrains the ego, and purifies the motives.
It never fails.

When I was a young leader, independent and too busy to pray,
I blew stuff up and wounded every third person I led.
But now that I am mature and have left my childish ways ...
I do that somewhat less!

And now these three remain:
the faith to follow God boldly
the hope to press on even when my heart is breaking
and the love to enrich the hearts of all those I lead.

But the greatest of these is love --
the love that only comes from a quiet, close, daily walk with Christ.


At 11:30 PM, Blogger joy said...

woah...what version is THAT???

At 3:32 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

But I'm here now-- and guess what? I love, I love you, I LOVE YOU!!!

At 5:06 PM, Blogger Jenny said...

Bill Hybels International Version

At 1:09 PM, Blogger Ben said...

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At 1:11 PM, Blogger Ben said...

[in a low voice]

"...I dig it"

At 11:45 AM, Blogger Leah said...

Wow. That is awesome, Jenny. Jenny is cool.


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