Sunday, April 30, 2006

Lunch on the Pier

Joy and I went to Ruby's for lunch at the end of the Oceanside Pier. Giant burgers, garlic fries and milkshakes ... it was tasty!

Click here to see what the pier used to look like.

Wednesday, April 26, 2006

Celebrating Esmae

Natasha and I took Esmae out for her 12th birthday last night. Esmae already had ice cream twice that day, so we decided just to go to the mall ... we went in Claire's to try on some fun hats, headbands, scarves and glasses and we stopped to pose for a cell phone picture (I played around with it on Photoshop). We had a lot of fun (being 12 is pretty great!) - Happy Birthday Esmae!!

Tuesday, April 25, 2006

Simon's Surgery

So, my little dog had a little surgery this afternoon. He not only had his teeth cleaned, but he also had to have his front canine removed (it had cracked and the nerve was exposed). I picked him up just hours ago and he is SO groggy from the anesthesia - it's ridiculous! He could barely stay awake while sitting up, so I couldn't resist taking a video of him
(fyi: the clicking noise is my camera focusing)

Thursday, April 20, 2006


I LOVE dental hygiene but unfortunately, I hate flossing ... it's not that I despise the feeling of cleanliness that's experienced when the flossing is completed, but rather it is the actual flossing process that I hate (as shown above). I cannot stand wrapping the tartar infested floss around my fingers - it is simply disgusting!

It has been my goal each year to become a regular flosser, but I just cannot get myself into the habit. I've tried flossing in the shower (psychologically, it felt more sanitary - but still not good enough) and I've tried those floss sticks that usually get stuck between my teeth ... I almost gave up because I thought there was no hope ... until this week when I discovered the FLOSSER. I believe it is a gift from God!

On another note, I just watched Super Size Me for the first time this week. Have you seen it? I really enjoyed it. The good news is that I may never have to floss again because after watching that movie I never want to eat anything ever again!

Wednesday, April 19, 2006

My Father

It was taken during Easter dinner preparation ... the name badge on his apron reads, "Chef Robert" (I bought him the hat for Christmas).

Tuesday, April 18, 2006

Happy Easter!

I drove to Palm Springs yesterday to visit my family (who were in town for Spring Break). I spent time with my grandma, grandpa, Aunt Sharon, Uncle Steve and my cousins Brian and Allisen. We swam in the pool for awhile, went out for dinner and took an evening walk around the neighborhood - it was a lot of fun!

PS: Robbie headed back to Hume yesterday - he'll graduate in May and then stay to be a lifeguard through the summer. He wrote another song called "Sunshine" which can be heard/seen on Fiona's myspace.

Friday, April 14, 2006

Praise the Lord

I was watching "Praise the Lord" on TBN this afternoon while I was at work ... and I really enjoyed it. Sometimes TBN can be ultra cheesy, but sometimes you just need the cheese!

Well, The episode I watched was hosted by Jentezen Franklin - he interviewed Ashley Smith, the woman who was held hostage by a murderer in Atlanta. When I first heard about this story in March of last year, I was not very excited because I felt like the media was giving all the glory to the book "Purpose Driven Life" and not to the Lord. So, I was interested to hear her testimony and understand what really happened ... I was pleasantly surprised ... Ashley spent no more than 30 seconds talking about the book, but instead explained everything that had happened while giving ALL the glory to God. She has an incredible testimony ... grew up in the Church but stopped serving God when she was a teenager. She married at a young age and both her and her husband were very involved in drugs/partying. She conceived a child when she was about my age and not long after, her husband was killed after being stabbed at a party. Instead of turning back to the Lord, she began to rely more and more on drugs to ease her pain ... during this time she lost custody of her daughter. When the hostage showed up at her house, she began to realize how precious her life really was. She read scripture and told the man that his life had purpose, as did her own. After hours together, the man trusted her enough to eventually allow her to leave the house ... she turned him in shortly thereafter. Now she has regained custody of her daughter and is planted in a church - she has had the opportunity to preach a message of hope to thousands. (You can click here to read more about her experience.)

After the interview with Ashley, I watched Christian comedian, John Gray. I was expecting him to crack a few jokes and then leave the stage, but after several hilarious comments he actually began preaching about the importance of purity ... it was powerful! (click here and then fast-forward to 47 minutes to see the full broadcast). He is a very talented man - singer, songwriter, author, playwright, comedian, youth pastor, etc ... and he has a great sense of humor. For a good laugh, watch this shorter clip of John Gray from another TBN special!

Wednesday, April 12, 2006

Happy Birthday Emilie!

During a visit to Emilie's home this evening, I was able to capture some rare images (thank goodness I had my camera with me!).
I always thought that Emilie's friends got along well together, but my most recent pictures seem to reveal otherwise.

Shortly after taking the above picture, Allene suddenly turned to Amy and socked her in the face! I was rather shocked at Allene's behavior, but thankful to have caught it on camera …

And just before I began to walk away, Amy then took a swing right back at Allene and smacked her in the gut - check out Amy's gleeful expression - incredible! I was now both shocked AND intrigued by the women's behavior ... I stayed and waited for more action.

Thank goodness I stayed because just moments later Alisa whipped around the corner and both women gave her a solid blow to the face. Look at the terror on Alisa's face - wow! Truly a violent bunch of women.

PS: Happy 25th Birthday Emilie!!

Sunday, April 09, 2006

An Enjoyable Weekend

Robbie is back home for the week! He arrived on Friday evening and will be staying through next Monday for his Spring Break. Well, we've already had a lot of fun this weekend ... on Friday night, Fiona & Joy came over and we ended up playing a late-night game of CLUE with Nicole. The next morning, Robbie and I went to the pool so he could practice his swimming (he is training to be a lifeguard this summer at Hume Lake - Meadow Ranch). And on our way to lunch at Panera, we stopped to take a picture in front of his dream car.

Then today, after church, we headed to the park with Jeremy, Ben, Joy, Brittne, Katie, Jael and (of course) Simon. Robbie and I stopped at Longs Drugs to buy a classic yellow bat and whiffle ball. Then we met up with everyone at the RB Park for a game of Three Flies Up with a frisbee and later a rousing game of Whiffle Ball. It was SO much fun!

Jael at Starbucks After Church

Robbie at the Park

Brittne Ripping the Frisbee with her GIGANTIC Muscles

Me and My Whiffle Bat (I wasn't trying to look that mean!)

Our Star Pitcher (SO hardcore that she plays in a skirt!!)

Whiffle Ball's MVP: Kropatch the Great

Samurai Schmalfeldt

Robbie Doing a "Baby Freeze" in the Grass

Katie and Jael

Katie and I Laying in the Grass

The Men Playing Guitar

Joy, Brittne and I Went Hill Rolling

Joy After Rolling Down the Hill

Simon Enjoying the Park

The Girls Enjoying the Park

Tuesday, April 04, 2006


... it's my new favorite show. Have you seen it yet? Jo Frost (Supernanny) tames the wildest children ever seen on planet earth by teaching parents how to implement simple child raising techniques like the "naughty chair" and a daily family routine. Last Sunday afternoon was a Supernanny marathon (woo hoo!) so Joy and I watched three episodes! We watched parents attempt to discipline their children - some yelled out of anger/frustration and others just tolerated bad behavior and didn't say anything to their children.
One episode showed young boys (4 or 5 years old) that would kick, spit, bite and even swear at their parents - and the parents didn't punish them for it! But, Jo taught them how to take control and use their parental authority. If you haven't seen it yet ... you must! Monday night at 9pm. You will be shocked at the parents and their awful children (I thought children like that only existed in books!) And you may actually learn something too.

Van for Sale

My faithful minivan is now for sale ... spread the word.
And let me know if someone would like to buy it. Thanks!

Monday, April 03, 2006

The Humor of God

Example #1 - The Tree
I was driving down the 78 freeway several weeks ago and I was thinking about Christians being likened to a tree. I began to rehearse Psalm 1 and continued to pray for specific people that I would like to see planted and "bringing forth fruit in their season" ... I got pretty passionate and rather excited about this tree analogy. After about ten minutes of praying I turned my head to glance at the car next to me - it was a little tiny red sports car carrying a GIANT potted tree in the front seat.
I laughed out loud.

Example #2 - The Gift
This morning, I was driving home and thanking the Lord for finances. I thanked Him for my job and my brand new car and ALL the blessings He has given me through the years ... I thanked him for being Jehovah Jireh and for taking care of all my needs according to HIS riches (not mine!). Then I prayed for more ... Lord I pray for inheritances, checks and gifts in the mail. When I got home just ten minutes later, there was a package left on the front porch for me. Woo hoo - Answered prayer! I opened the package and it was an umbrella given as a gift from the place I bought my car. Ha! Not exactly what I was asking the Lord for, but it made for a good laugh! (I put my camera in a tree and took a picture for you)