unquenchable love
"for love is as strong as death...many waters cannot quench love, nor can the floods drown it. if a man would give for love all the wealth of his house, it would be utterly despised." -- song of solomon 8:6-7
Friday, December 29, 2006
Sunday, December 24, 2006
Saturday, December 23, 2006
Saturday, December 16, 2006
name that christmas song
1. (example) "Move hitherward the entire assembly of those who are loyal in their belief." Answer = O, Come All Ye Faithful
2. Listen, the celestial messengers produce harmonious sounds.
3. Nocturnal time span of unbroken quietness.
4. An emotion excited by the acquisition or expectation of good given to the terrestrial sphere.
5. Embellish the interior passageways.
6. Exalted heavenly beings to whom hearkened.
7. Twelve o'clock on a clement night witnessed its arrival.
8. The Christmas preceding all others.
9. Small municipality in Judea southeast of Jerusalem.
10. Diminutive masculine master of skin-covered percussionistic cylinders.
11. Omnipotent supreme being who elicits respite to ecstatic distinguished males.
12. Tranquility upon the terrestrial sphere.
13. Obese personification fabricated of compressed mounds of minute crystals.
14. Expectation of arrival to populated area by mythical, masculine perennial gift-giver.
15. Natal celebration devoid of color.
16. In awe of the nocturnal time span characterized by religiosity.
17. Geographic state of fantasy during the season of mother nature's dormancy.
18. The first person nominative plural of a triumvirate of far Eastern heads of state.
19. Tintinnabulation of vacillating pendulums in inverted, metalic, resonant cups.
20. In a distant location the existence of an improvised unit of newborn children's slumber furniture.
21. Proceed forth declaring upon a specific geographical alpine formation.
22. Jovial yuletide desired for the second person singular or plural by us.
Saturday, December 09, 2006
christmas time is here
Today was our annual family Christmas photo session ... and this year we decided to try something a little bit different. I don't want to tell you too much because I can't afford to ruin the surprise, but I will tell you that the photo involved costumes - and that is always funny. I hope to post it later this evening (after my dad adds the finishing touches).
In the meantime, I bring you another funny photo of Robbie and me. We were so inspired after dressing up this afternoon, that we tried on a few more costumes when we got home. This is the result ...

Thursday, December 07, 2006
you know you've been studying too much when ...
... your dog is exhausted from staying up late each night with you
... every flat surface in your room is covered in stacks of books
... no amount of makeup seems to "hide" the large bags under your eyes
... a "party" is two girlfriends, three laptops and a night of studying
... you set three alarms, but in the morning you wake up to none of them
... your desk chair and bed have bum imprints from long hours of sitting
... you put your highlighter in your purse without the cap
(after a long night of reading) and therefore stain it bright yellow
... you take "you tube" video breaks every couple hours
... you laugh out loud at boring articles while sitting alone in your room
... you and your local Starbucks barista compare recent essay titles and hours slept (or not slept) during finals week
... you write lists about studying, rather than actually studying
Tuesday, December 05, 2006
i am rejoicing
So . . . I had a MASSIVE final project due last night for my Bible class. The project makes up 1/3 of my final grade (scary!). I have been working on the project for a long while, but have not been able to complete the work in time. I was planning to work on it all night tonight and again tomorrow night and then turn it in a couple days late (with a significant point reduction).
But, I prayed like crazy for supernatural grace and I just received an email this evening from my teacher who has decided to extend our due date . . . we now have until Monday to complete the project! WOO HOO!!! I was SO excited when I read the email that I yelled "YES!" about 100 times and danced uncontrollably around my house. PRAISE THE LORD!!!