My family has had a "small" problem with
rats in our garage recently. My dad sets monstrous traps on the garage shelves and we wait in anticipation … he has already caught two within the last few weeks (two that he claims were very large and healthy looking).
So tonight, my
lovely minivan was having engine problems – I needed to pick
Joy up from church so I quickly jumped in my mom’s car and pulled out of the garage and into the driveway. That is when I saw him … my little rat friend. I had run him over with my mom’s car!! It was SO gross – his body was smooshed and his little legs were flailing in the air. I yelled, shivered, flipped out and then drove away.
I called the house hoping my dad could scoop the guy up and put him in the trash before I got home – unfortunately, my dad was already in bed for the evening. It was now my job to clean up my little rat mess. So, I got back home and found him lying on the garage floor (where I had left him) but now he was in a pool of blood. It was SO gross!! I couldn’t move him! Perhaps if I hadn’t seen him flailing earlier then I could handle moving his lifeless body. But, now I just could not bring myself to do such a thing ... It was at that point that I decided I needed a man – any man. I didn’t care who it was I just needed a man to come remove this creature from my garage. However, my guy friends were all at a Pastor’s Retreat in Mexico!! Ahhhhhhh!! I stalled a little longer, called a few girlfriends who were even more squeamish and disgusted by the rat … they would not carry him to the trash.
Finally, it was at this moment that my hero arrived. Now, this woman is not just any woman, I believe she is superhuman (which is why many refer to her as “Super Woman”). She does things that are beyond comprehension. She walked down the stairs in her bathrobe and tennis shoes, grabbed a big shovel and scooped up my dead friend in the blink of an eye. Then she quickly washed her hands and went right back to bed. This woman should receive awards and accolades!! I continue to pray that I someday become the Super Mom that she has always been (as long as it doesn't involve scooping up squished rats).