Monday, November 28, 2005

How I Like My Turkey

Well, I had a wonderful Thanksgiving break and an enjoyable Thanksgiving dinner with my family and my "flatmate" Nicole.
I hope you enjoyed your Thanksgiving food and your time off!

During dinner on Thursday night, my grandmother handed me a platter of turkey and I politely declined. She questioned why I did not want any and I quickly declared, “I only like turkey in my shirt.” Then I paused and covered my mouth, after realizing what I had said. What?!?
What did I mean and where did that come from?? Well . . . . I had meant to say that I really only like turkey on my sandwiches – but, I guess it just didn't come out right. So, my family enjoyed a good laugh and I was thoroughly embarrassed.


At 1:48 PM, Blogger joy said...

That sandwich is probably one of the most digusting looking sandwiches I have ever seen in the entirety of my existence on planet earth and I would venture to say that the "associate who shares an apartment with you" would agree with me on this one.
But I still think its absolutely awesome that above all else, you enjoy savoring your Thanksgiving poultry in your sentimental of you!


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