Saturday, February 23, 2008

two things that bother me ...

#1) sauerkraut. It is technically "finely sliced cabbage fermented by various lactic acid bacteria" ... and it is gross. Apparently sauerkraut literally means sour cabbage in German. I am German, but I cannot begin to understand why Germans love this stuff. (NOTE: no offense to my parents who are downstairs eating this nasty stuff right now)

#2) the new cell phone law. I am really annoyed by this law ... why can't I drive with one hand and hold a phone with another?!? Tons of us play around on our iPods while driving ... will they be banned next?? I feel forced to buy one of those ridiculous earpieces (which takes longer to put into my ear then it does to call on my phone!). Isn't there a better solution? Maybe people who drive poorly with their cell phones should be punished (i.e. fined, slapped, etc.) while the rest of us continue driving on the phone. Just a thought.

Okay, I feel better now. Thank you for reading. On another note, there are a LOT of things in life that I really love!! :)
... a good book and an iced latte (reading a great book right now!)
... people watching with Nic (and guests) while out for dinner
... grocery shopping (honestly one of my favorite things to do)
... gospel music (see Karen Clark Sheard or Edwin Hawkins)
... baking chocolate chip cookies (I promise I'll make some soon!)


At 8:05 PM, Blogger Robbie Conrad said...

Three cheers for the slapping punishment law! cabbage tastes like feet...and Im sorry mom, but when I come home I don't want left over feet.

At 1:23 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

I love

I use a bluetooth

You could get your car stereo switched out to one that does bluetooth, but expensive...

I love chocolate chipe cookies..


Joy's Dad...

At 5:45 PM, Blogger joy said...

I agree with Robbie that all things cabbage taste like smelly feet. I'm glad you were able to vent your frustrations about the whole earpiece/cell phone thing. It seemed to be seriously bothering you to the point that I was beginning worry that you might do something crazy. But who knows, maybe you'll decide you should be the slapping punishment enforcer and pullover random stupid drivers just to slap them and take away their phone privileges. If you do take that route, I will be asking Robbie to videotape you and make a documentary of this for my own personal enjoyment. :o)

At 10:18 PM, Blogger Jenny said...

I am not against those who use bluetooth devices ... I am only against being forced by law to use one myself (although I may not have a choice).

And no offense to older generations (i.e. my parents, Joy's dad, etc.) but my feelings for sauerkraut have not changed.

At 11:46 AM, Blogger joy said...

I think the main reason my dad responded to your post was in his very last statement.

At 5:43 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

Plus it is fun to pick on Jenny...LOL

At 1:00 AM, Blogger Unknown said...

Gaah!!! I totally agree on the cellphone thing... it drives me crazy too. I don't see the issue with cell phones... Dialing? It takes 3 seconds! What about people eating, looking at maps, fiddling with the radio, etc???

Some say just talking on the phone kills your reaction time. How is talking on a phone any different than talking to your passenger!?!?? Will that be banned next????


At 8:38 AM, Blogger Brandon said...

My great grandpa used to make sauerkraut every winter in this big press machine thing. It smelled horrible. Also, he would make apple juice out of the same press. I hated it when we got the first batches of apple juice because they mysteriously tasted like cabbage!


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