Thursday, November 22, 2007

happy thanksgiving!!

Hope you are enjoying your turkeys :) and your time with family. I thought it was worth re-posting this little excerpt from a post I wrote two years ago ...

During dinner on Thursday night, my grandmother handed me a platter of turkey and I politely declined. She questioned why I did not want any and I quickly declared, “I only like turkey in my shirt.” Then I paused and covered my mouth, after realizing what I had said. What?!? What did I mean and where did that come from?? Well . . . I had meant to say that I really only like turkey on my sandwiches – but, I guess it just didn't come out right. So, my family enjoyed a good laugh and I was thoroughly embarrassed.


At 8:31 PM, Blogger Robbie Conrad said...

What happened to telling a story from this thanksgiving. perhaps something involving grammy(wink, wink).

At 10:26 PM, Blogger joy said...

ooh do tell!!!


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