Tuesday, October 09, 2007

what the in the world...??

About two weeks ago, I purchased a delicious green bell pepper at Vons (along with my other groceries) and promptly cut it open for dinner that evening. I cut right down the middle of the pepper, opened it up to remove the seeds and then realized there was a fatty green WORM in my pepper!! And if that wasn't bad enough, I cut the worm in half when I cut the pepper - sick! The weirdest thing is that there were no holes leading into the pepper, so he must have been dwelling in there since birth from his sick larvae/egg thingy. I don't mind worms, but I was really caught off guard and I basically lost my appetite ...well, my appetite for peppers - I think make a quesadilla :)

Unfortunately, I had a similar experience this evening. I was making myself a lunch for tomorrow and had a craving for raspberries. I pulled out my little container of berries, popped off the lid and realized there was a dead BEETLE inside - sick! What in the world is happening? Why are there bugs in my food!?! Oh well, that won't stop me from eating!


At 9:05 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey kiddo... no fun for you..
You need to let the store know what has happened. They usually wash all the veggies and fruit and should see things like that and pull it from the shelf. I had that happened with some brocolli and it totally grossed me out...

At 4:52 PM, Blogger Jenny said...

We used to grow our own brocolli when I was growing up and we often found similar worms.

But, the beetle is a mystery ... it was not in there when I bought the fruit I had pulled them out and washed them. soooo that means it made it's way into the container in the fridge!?! strange.

Did you hear about the woman who supposedly found a mouse head in her can of beans last week??

At 9:37 PM, Blogger Jimmy T said...

Hey, at least you know for sure it's organic.

At 4:53 PM, Blogger Sounds Like Natella said...

SICK! That beetle is disgusting! I must thank you for NOT posting a picture of the worm...thank you.

And Jenny, based on some of your blog posts, I think that bugs just like you. Or maybe they just know how to get publicity because they know that if and when they appear in your life, you are sure to report (and even post some disgusting pictures) of them on your blog! In any case, I love the stories.

At 1:03 PM, Blogger joy said...

i like that my dad said he was totally grossed out...he's a funny guy...

At 11:11 PM, Blogger brittany said...

oh gross jenny...
you should see my blog...
awww i wanna be on ur blog list...
i love you!!!

At 7:19 PM, Blogger joy said...

so...speaking of your bloglist...
I rely on it to get to other people's blogs and you haven't updated leah's to http://leeleebeth.blogspot.com/ which would be ever so helpful for me :o) I know I'm saying this in light of the fact that you haven't even been blogging for a little while now, and what with having a boyfriend...life is just too exciting for this antiquated blogging ritual! Love you friend!


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