Friday, February 29, 2008

thick hunky brows

Have you seen my profile picture? ....I mean really looked at it enlarged?? If not, you should. Just click on the picture (to the right) and it will bring you to the Blogger/profile screen. Then click it one more time for the biggest enlargement. I bought a pack of fake mustaches and noses at Target and Robbie and I got inspired to try them on. Yes, I have two blond mustaches attached to my eyebrows, thus, creating the infamous "thick hunky brows" ... which inspires me to once again share this quote by Jack Handey ....

I bet when the neanderthal kids would make a snowman,
someone would always end up saying, "Don't forget the thick,
heavy brows." Then they would all get embarrassed because
they remembered they had the big hunky brows too,
and they'd get mad and eat the snowman.


At 4:47 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

lol...w ay awesome.

Another awesome Jack Handey caveman Deep Thought:

I bet a fun thing would be to go back in time to where there was going to be an eclipse and tell the cave men, 'If I have come to destroy you, may the sun be blotted out from the sky.' Just then the eclipse would start, and they'd probably try to kill you or something, but then you could explain about the rotation of the moon and all, and everyone would have a good laugh.


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