Monday, July 23, 2007

for your viewing pleasure

We went to the Del Mar Fair on the 4th of July!

Ryan REALLY wanted a turkey leg that day.

(check out the guy on the right)

Eating fried oreos ... they were actually good.

This was the featured food item of the year ... a chicken patty sandwiched by a krispy kreme donut. We all tried it and were disappointed -- tastes like chicken in a donut. Lame.

Supposedly, there was a 4th of July costume contest that day.
This woman sewed her own dress and colored her nails with pens.
Nicole and Fiona couldn't resist a picture with her.

We took the FREE shuttle back and forth.

This is your standard "balance your camera on a friend's car and set the timer while the 'photographer' runs back into the picture and everyone does something crazy while watching the red light blink".


At 4:32 PM, Blogger joy said...

my face does not convey at all how tasty those fried oreos actually were!

At 8:14 PM, Blogger Jael said...

Oh the turkey leg... It almost had a life of its' own. But then Ryan ate it.

At 8:26 PM, Blogger Leah said...

Jenny, may I just say that your blog is officially my favorite because you always put up so many pictures. I love it. Keep up the good work.

P.S. I totally would have eaten the chicken and donut sandwich. Fried meat + fried sugar = Delicious!


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