Monday, July 16, 2007

old friends ... new baby

Last Saturday, I got to spend the afternoon with some old friends from high school and church -- Deidre (left), Jeanne (the pregnant one) and Belinda. It was really fun getting the update on everyone's life ... all three girls are graduated and happily married ... and it was the first time the three of us had seen Jeanne in years!

This was some sick game where we had to guess what candy bar had been melted in the baby diaper ... it was a little too realistic (as you can see) and I got none right! But nevertheless, an awesome idea.


At 11:41 PM, Blogger Sounds Like Natella said...

I love the poopie diaper game (one of my favorites!) That was also one of our camp games, but instead of diapers, we melted candy bars in ginormous whitey-tideys! hilarious....Don't worry the more times you play it, the better you get!


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