Monday, July 30, 2007

you never know

Molly Jenson posted this on her myspace back in June and I thought it was brilliant. Definately worth sharing with you ...

i'm in starbucks right now, working on my computer. about 20 minutes ago, i felt someones' eyes on me. you know that feeling. i looked up and it was an old lady looking at me over the top of her book. i smiled politely, despite the awkward eye contact, and went back to work on my computer. about 10 minutes ago, i felt those eyes again, looked up and old lady and i made awkward eye contact for the second time!

i was starting to think i might move to a different seat as to avoid anymore awkward eye contact with old lady across the way. but then i thought, 'what if that old lady is me? what if i came back from the future to see me or to warn me about something?!!'

my friend adam told me that stuff like this happens. he told me he was once tackled by a handsome old man just before he stepped on a piece of poo, turned out it was him saving him!

so, i'll stay in this seat just in case old lady across the way is really me from the future. you never know.


At 10:56 PM, Blogger joy said...

I just watched an episode of the twilight zone today where an older lady is attacking this newly engaged young girl...the older lady is the youhng girl all grown up and trying to warn the young girl not to marry that man because her life is going to get very bad. It's funny that you post something so similar to what I just watched today...maybe Molly saw that twilight zone episode too.

At 12:01 AM, Blogger Jimmy T said...

Interesting, I haven't looked at your blog in a while. You'll never know what angels you could be entertaining.


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