Well, I have much to post and not enough hours in the day to post it.
I will start with photos from Brandon and Belinda's wedding (thanks to
those who
patiently waited for me to post them).
Joy, Nic, Peter and I took a road trip up the 101 to San Luis Obispo for the wedding back in early July. It was possibly one of the most enjoyable (and hilarious) road trips of my life. Much of our time stuck in traffic was spent listening to Peter read trivia cards (in a
Sean Connery voice, of course) while the three of us competed to win the cards. When Peter wasn't reading, he and Nic continuously quoted
one line from a movie that Joy and I had never seen AND they argued about whether or not the large "land mass" out in the middle of the ocean was actually an island or a cloudbank. This resulted in us
finally pulling out a map ... I think we decided it was an island (but I still don't know if we came to a conclusion). We also took time to discuss the paint color "screaming" and Nic creatively demonstrated what it would sound/look like if a person decided to paint their home with the color "screaming". The highlight of the ride was when we spotted a sort of parasailer (who we titled "Cloudman") who was flying parallel with my car just several yards away. Nic took this opportunity to pop his head out the window while flailing his arms and yelling, "CLOUDMAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" When Cloudman finally spotted us, Nic shouted with excitement, "He sees us!!!! He loves us!!!! . . . HE SEES US AND HE LOVES US!!!" Needless to say, Joy and I were quite entertained during our lengthy car ride.
Peter Reading
Another Trivia Card

Campground We Stayed at the Night Before the Wedding

The Group After Our LONG Car Ride (looking pretty sleepy)

And Now the Wedding Photos . . .
The Beautiful Church
(photo courtesy of Robert Conrad)
The Ceremony
(photo courtesy of Robert Conrad)
The Wedding Prayer, Kiss and Presentation

The Bridal Party at the Reception

The Cake (check out the view from the reception!)

The First Dance
(last photo courtesy of Robert Conrad)

Enjoying the Reception

The Avey's (my neighbors)

The Bride's Family with Groom
(photo courtesy of Robert Conrad)
Following Photos Courtesy of Robert Conrad