Monday, October 24, 2005

Strange Street Signs

I'm working on a biology report this afternoon and it's getting a little boring. I thought I would take a rest (not procrastinate, but take a rest) by writing something on my blog. However, I really have nothing to share. So I figure, why not post some interesting signs!? ...

No Kites!

Poland - Dangerous Trees

Watch Your Head

Japan - Mind the Elderly

Arizona - Nearby Prison

New Zealand - Bikers' Caution

Don't Drink and Drive

Monday, October 17, 2005

A Riddle

My math teacher gave us a riddle to figure out this evening and no one in the class was able to come up with the right answer . . .

My teacher, Bob, was downtown just last week. While he was walking along the sidewalk he noticed a nearby homeless man who was picking up cigar butts off the ground. After watching him pick up several handfuls, my curious teacher approached the man and asked what he was doing. The man claimed that he started collecting cigar butts when he discovered that he could reroll five butts together to make a whole cigar. The man then counted out the 30 butts that he collected that day.
How many whole cigars was he able to make from the butts?

The answer is now in the comments section.

Tuesday, October 11, 2005

Worth a Thousand Words

I found some photos from this last year on my computer this evening ...
so here they are for your viewing pleasure.
Perhaps you'll find yourself in a picture or two!

A Cold Night Out with Friends

Robbie Serenades Simon

The Parents Send Robbie to Prom

Intern Banquet

Birthday Party

Wednesday, October 05, 2005

What the Heck?!?

It's 94 degrees outside right now!!

Tuesday, October 04, 2005

Come Away

"...Rise up, my love, my fair
one, and come away!"
- Song of Solomon 2:13

Come Away
by Evan Earwicker

I can see the river run in the city of my God
And the people now they run to bring their offering of praise

But can I steal away for a moment here with you?
I hear a whisper from the throne
Let's get away and be alone
You know I love it when you say . . .

Come away
Your invitation now has come
Come away
Come away and fall in love

Though the earth may fade away
Let this passion still remain
For the beauty of my friend and King my offering I'll bring

And we will steal away for eternity with you
I hear the lovesong of my King
He's crying out for me
Whispering my name

Come away
Your invitation now has come
Come away
Come away and fall in love

Come away
Come away and be romanced
Come away
I am asking for this dance